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微通道板光电倍增管(MCP-PMT) | 瑆创光学电子商店


Microchannel Plate –Photomultiplier(MCP-PMT)

MCP-PMT mainly consists of a photocathode, a microchannel plate multiplication system and an anode. The multiplication system contains a single or multiple microchannel plates. When the weak light signal passes through the photocathode, it will excite the photoelectrons, which will be transported to MCP for multiplication under the proximity-focus electric field or the electrostatic focusing electric field. Finally, the amplified electronic signal will be received by the anode and output through the signal line, so as to realize the detection of single photon and other weak signals.





Large Area of MCP-PMT



Selection Guide for MCP-PMT

Item Product Name Shape Outer Diameter  Inner Diameter Spectral Range Peak Wavelength Typ. Photocathode Integral Luminious Typ. QE Typ. Gain Typ. Anode Sensitivity Typ. Dark Count Rate Typ. Peak to Valley Ratio Typ. Charge Resolution Typ. Rise Time Typ.
STN6082 Large Area MCP-PMT Round Dia.203mm / 290-650nm 380mm 90A/lm



1 × 107 900A/lm 10 kHz 7 35% 4ns
STN6201 Large Area MCP-PMT Round Dia.508mm / 290-650nm 380mm 90A/lm



1 × 107 900A/lm 30 kHz 7 35% 1.4ns
STN6203 Large Area MCP-PMT Round Dia.508mm / 290-650nm 380mm 90A/lm



1 × 107 900A/lm 20 kHz 4 40% 1.4ns
STN6011 MCP-PMT Round Dia.36.6mm



115-320nm 250nm /



1 × 106 / 500Hz 3 35% 1.2ns
STN6012 MCP-PMT Round Dia.50mm



290-650nm 380mm 70A/lm



1 × 106 /



2 45% 180ps
STN6014 MCP-PMT Round Dia.36.6mm



290-650nm 380mm 70A/lm



1 × 106 /



10 30% 1.2ns
STN6015 MCP-PMT Round Dia.35.5mm



290-650nm 380mm 70A/lm



1 × 106 /



3 35% 250ps
STN6021 MCP-PMT Square SQ51mm



280-650nm 380mm 70A/lm



2 × 106 /



3 35% 300ps

Microchannel Plate - Photomultiplier(MCP-PMT) - STN6011/STN6014

Our STN6011 and STN6014 are MCP-PMT with 1×10gain and 1.2ns rise time. They are mainly used in ultraviolet communication , space exploration, molecular science , medical science biochemistry and material engineering.






  • Fast response ,high sensitivity
  • Large pulsed peak current
  • High speed
  • High gain ,low noise



  • Ultraviolet communication
  • Space exploration
  • Molecular science, medical science
  • Biochemistry, material engineering



Product Specifications and Brochures

Product Brochure Link:

Parameter Description
 Window Material MgF2 glass AVG Glass
 Photocathode Material CsTe Bialkali
 Multiplier Structure 2 MCP 2 MCP
Model STN6011 STN6014 Unit.
Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max.
Cathode Parameters  Spectral Response 115-320 290-650 nm
 Quantum Efficiency Peak Wavelength / 250 / / 380 / nm
 QE / 15@250nm / / 22@410nm / %
 Luminous Sensitivity / / / / 70 / μA/lm
 Radiant Sensitivity / 30@250nm / / 72@410nm / mA/W
Anode Parameters  Supply Voltage / 1800 2500 / 1800 2500 V
 Gain / 1 × 106 / / 1 × 106 / /
 Dark Count Rate@0.2pe / 500 2000 / 1000 5000 Hz
 Charge Resolution / 35 / / 30 / %
 Peak to Valley Ratio / 3 / / 10 / /
 Pulsed Peak Current / 150 / / / / /
Time Response  Rise Time / 1.2 / / 1.2 / ns
 Pulse Width / 2 / / 2 / ns
 Fall Time / 1.6 / / 1.6 / ns
 TTS@σ(SPE) / 50 / / 50 / ps
TTS@σ (MPE ) / 20 / / 20 / ps
 Operating Ambient Temperature -30~+50
 Storage Temperature -50~+50




Spectral Graph


STN6011 Typical Spectral Response Curve  STN6014  Typical Spectral Response Curve



Typical Single Photoelectron Spectrum






Microchannel Plate Photomultiplier(MCP-PMT) - STN6012

STN6012 is a MCP-PMT featuring fast response ,high gain ,low noise. It is mainly used in molecular science , medical science, biochemistry and material engineering.



  • Fast response
  • High gain ,low noise


  • Molecular science ,medical science
  • Biochemistry ,material engineering




Product Specifications and Brochures

Product Brochure Link:

Parameter Description
 Window Material AVG Glass
 Photocathode Material Bialkali
 Multiplier Structure 2 MCP
STN6012 Min. Typ. Max. Unit.
Cathode Parameters  Spectral Response 290-650 nm
 Quantum Efficiency Peak Wavelength / 380 / nm
 Luminous Sensitivity / 70 / μA/lm
 QE @410nm / 22 / %
 Radiant Sensitivity@410nm / 72 / mA/W
Anode Parameters  Supply Voltage / 2500 3400 V
 Gain / 1 × 106 / /
 Dark Count Rate@0.2pe / 1000 5000 Hz
 Charge Resolution / 45 / %
 Peak to Valley Ratio / 2 / /
Time Response  Rise Time / 180 / ps
 Pulse Width / 400 / ps
 Fall Time / 750 / ps
 TTS@σ(SPE) / 40 / ps
 TTS@σ (MPE ) / 15 / ps
 Operating Ambient Temperature -30~+50
 Storage Temperature -50~+50



Spectral Graph


           Typical Spectral Response Curve

Typical Single Photoelectron Spectrum






Microchannel Plate Photomultiplier(MCP-PMT) - STN6015

STN6015 is a MCP-PMT featuring high speed ,high gain ,low noise. It is mainly used in specialized medical imaging,  cherenkov – RICH, TOF, TOP, DIRC, high energy physics and security.



  • High speed
  • High gain
  • Low noise


  • Specialized medical imaging
  • Cherenkov – RICH, TOF, TOP, DIRC
  • High energy physics ,security




Product Specifications and Brochures

Product Brochure Link:

Parameter Description
 Window Material AVG glass
 Photocathode Material Bialkali
 Multiplier structure 2 MCP
 Anode Structure 2×2
STN6015 Min. Typ. Max. Unit.
Cathode Parameters  Spectral Response 290-650 nm
 Quantum Efficiency Peak Wavelength / 380 / nm
 Luminous Sensitivity / 70 / μA/lm
 QE @410nm / 22 / %
 Radiant Sensitivity@410nm / 72 / mA/W
Anode Parameters  Supply Voltage / 1700 2500 V
 Gain / 1×106 / /
 Dark Count Rate@0.2pe(Single Anode) / 1000 5000 Hz
 Charge Resolution / 35 / %
 Peak to Valley Ratio / 3 / /
Time Response  Rise Time / 250 / ps
 Pulse Width / 650 / ps
 Fall Time / 650 / ps
 TTS@σ(SPE) / 50 / ps
 TTS@σ (MPE ) / 10 / ps
 Operating Ambient Temperature -30~+50
 Storage Temperature -50~+50



Spectral Graph


         Typical Spectral Response Curve   Typical Single Photoelectron Spectrum







Microchannel Plate Photomultiplier(MCP-PMT) - STN6021

STN6015 is a  quare MCP-PMT featuring high speed ,high gain ,low noise. It is mainly used in specialized medical imaging,  cherenkov – RICH, TOF, TOP, DIRC, high energy physics and security.



  • High speed
  • High gain
  • Low noise


  • Specialized medical imaging
  • Cherenkov – RICH, TOF, TOP, DIRC
  • High energy physics ,security




Product Specifications and Brochures

Product Brochure Link:

Parameter Description
 Window Material AVG Glass
 Photocathode Material Bialkali
 Multiplier Structure 2 MCP
 Anode Structure 8 ×8
STN6021 Min. Typ. Max. Unit.
Cathode Parameters  Spectral Response 280-650 nm
 Quantum Efficiency Peak Wavelength / 380 / nm
 Luminous Sensitivity / 70 / μA/lm
 QE @410nm / 22 / %
 Radiant Sensitivity@410nm / 72 / mA/W
Anode Parameters  Supply Voltage / 2500 3200 V
 Gain / 2 × 106 / /
 Dark Count Rate@0.2pe(Single Anode) / 500 5000 Hz
 Charge Resolution / 35 / %
 Peak to Valley Ratio / 3 / /
Time Response  Rise Time / 300 / ps
 Pulse Width / 650 / ps
 Fall Time / 800 / ps
 TTS@σ(SPE) / 50 / ps
 TTS@σ (MPE ) / 15 / ps
 Operating Ambient Temperature -30~+50
 Storage Temperature -50~+50



Spectral Graph


          Typical Spectral Response Curve  Typical Single Photoelectron Spectrum







Microchannel Plate - Photomultiplier - STN6082/STN6201/STN6203

The large-area MCP-PMT(including STN6082/STN6201/STN6203) is a vacuum electronic device that converts extremely weak light signals into electrical signals. It is a large-area, high-detection efficiency electrostatic focusing photomultiplier tube with independent intellectual property rights.This product uses Sb-K-Cs cathode as a photoelectric conversion cathode, which has high quantum efficiency for photons in the 350-450nm wavelength; using a microchannel plate as an electron multiplier tube system, the superposition of two microchannel plates can achieve an electron gain of more than 107 . The multiplication distance of the microchannel plate is short, so it has superior time response


Product performance can be customized according to customer needs. At present, the main products are 8-inch and 20-inch MCP-PMT.



  • High gain ,low noise ,fast response 
  • Good single photon peak-to-valley ratio


•   High energy physics



Product Specifications and Brochures

Product Brochure Link:

Parameter Description
 Window Material Borosilicate glass
 Photocathode Material Sb-K-Cs
 Multiplier structure MCP
 Operating Ambient Temperature -30~+50
 Storage Temperature -50~+50
Model STN6082 STN6201 STN6203 Unit
 Diameter 8 20 Inch
 Product Performance Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. /
Cathode Parameters  Spectral Range 290-650 nm
 QE Peak Wavelength / 380 / / 380 / / 380 / nm
 Photocathode Integral Luminious / 90 / / 90 / / 90 / A/lm
 @410nm/QE / 30 / / 30 / / 30 / %
Anode Parameters  Supply Voltage 1500 1750 2000 1500 1750 2000 1650 1900 2100 V
 Gain / 1 × 107 / / 1 × 107 / / 1 × 107 / /
 Anode Sensitivity / 900 / / 900 / / 900 / A/lm
 Dark Count Rate / 10 25 / 30 100 / 20 60 kHz
 Peak to Valley Ratio 3 7 / 3 7 / 2.5 4 / /
 Charge Resolution / 35 50 / 35 60 / 40 60 %
 Rise Time / 4 / / 1.4 / / 1.4 / ns
TTS / 1.6 / / 15 / / 5 / ns
After Pulse Ratio / 1 / / 1 / / 1 / %



Spectral Graph


    Typical Spectral Response Curve   Plateau Characteristics   Typical Single Photoelectron Spectrum








Photomultipliers Tube (PMT)

Model Spectral Response Range Peak Wavelength QE Typ. Effective Area(mm) Cathode Luminous Sensitivity Typ. Anode Sensitivity Typ.
 Photomultipliers Tube Head-On (Tube Only) 290 - 650nm 380 - 500nm 12% -,28% Φ10 - Φ58 40 - 100μA/lm 30 - 2000A/lm
 Photomultipliers Tube Side On(Tube Only) 160 - 900nm / / 8×24 40 - 250μA/lm 400 - 2500A/lm
 Photomultipliers Tube (Module) 160 - 900nm 400nm, 420nm / Φ22 - Φ25 | 8×24 60 - 250μA/lm /
 Microchannel Plate - Photomultiplier (MCP-PMT) 115 - 650nm 250nm, 380nm 30%@410nm, 15%@250nm / 70μA/lm 900A/lm
 Scintillator Probe / / / Φ25×25 - Φ75×75 / /
 β Detector / / / Φ10, Φ25 / /




Assemblies and Counting Unit


High Voltage Tube Socket High Voltage Tube Socket for Side Window Voltage Power Supply Counting Unit

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Microchannel Plate - Photomultiplier, Spectral Response 115-320nm, Quantum Efficiency Peak Wavelength Typ. 250nm, QE Typ. 15%@250nm, Radiant Sensitivity Typ. 30mA/W@250nm, Supply Voltage Typ.1800V, Gain 1×10^6, Dark Count Rate@0.2pe Typ. 500Hz, Rise Time Typ.1.2ns
6-8 weeks Request for quote
Microchannel Plate - Photomultiplier, Spectral Response 290-650nm, Quantum Efficiency Peak Wavelength Typ. 380nm, Luminous Sensitivity Typ. 70μA/lm, QE @410nm Typ. 22%, Supply Voltage Typ.2500V, Gain Typ.1 × 10^6, Dark Count Rate@0.2pe Typ.1000Hz, Rise Time Typ.180ps
6-8 weeks Request for quote
Microchannel Plate - Photomultiplier, Spectral Response 290-650nm, Quantum Efficiency Peak Wavelength Typ. 380nm, QE Typ. 22@410nm, Luminous Sensitivity Typ. 70μA/lm, Radiant Sensitivity Typ. 72mA/W@410nm, Supply Voltage Typ.1800V, Gain 1×10^6, Dark Count Rate@0.2pe Typ. 1000Hz, Rise Time Typ.1.2ns
6-8 weeks Request for quote
Microchannel Plate - Photomultiplier, Spectral Response 290-650nm, Quantum Efficiency Peak Wavelength Typ.380nm, Luminous Sensitivity Typ. 70μA/lm, QE @410nm Typ. 22%, Radiant Sensitivity@410nm Typ. 72mA/W, Supply Voltage Typ. 1700, Gain 1×10^6, Dark Count Rate@0.2pe(Single Anode) Typ. 1000Hz, Rise Time 250ps
6-8 weeks Request for quote
Microchannel Plate - Photomultiplier, Spectral Response 290-650nm, Quantum Efficiency Peak Wavelength Typ.380nm, Luminous Sensitivity Typ. 70μA/lm, QE @410nm Typ. 22%, Radiant Sensitivity@410nm Typ. 72mA/W, Supply Voltage Typ.2500V, Gain 2×10^6, Dark Count Rate@0.2pe(Single Anode) Typ. 500Hz, Rise Time 300ps
6-8 weeks Request for quote
Microchannel Plate - Photomultiplier, Diameter 8", Spectral Range 290-650nm, QE Peak Wavelength Typ. 380nm, Photocathode Integral luminious Typ. 90A/lm, @410nm/QE Typ. 30%, Supply voltage Typ.1750V, Gain Typ. 1×10^7, Anode Sensitivity 900A/lm, Rise Time 4ns
6-8 weeks Request for quote
Microchannel Plate - Photomultiplier, Diameter 20", Spectral Range 290-650nm, QE Peak Wavelength Typ. 380nm, Photocathode Integral luminious Typ. 90A/lm, @410nm/QE Typ. 30%, Supply voltage Typ.1750V, Gain Typ. 1×10^7, Anode Sensitivity 900A/lm, Rise Time 1.4ns
6-8 weeks Request for quote
Microchannel Plate - Photomultiplier, Diameter 20", Spectral Range 290-650nm, QE Peak Wavelength Typ. 380nm, Photocathode Integral luminious Typ. 90A/lm, @410nm/QE Typ. 30%, Supply voltage Typ.1900V, Gain Typ. 1×10^7, Anode Sensitivity 900A/lm, Rise Time 1.4ns
6-8 weeks Request for quote

STN6203 - Parameter

STN6201 - Parameter

STN6082 - Parameter

STN6021 - Parameter

STN6015 - Parameter

STN6014 - Parameter

STN6012 - Parameter

STN6011 - Parameter

STN6203 - Download

STN6201 - Download

STN6082 - Download

STN6021 - Download

STN6015 - Download

STN6014 - Download

STN6012 - Download

STN6011 - Download


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