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Photomultipliers Tube (Module)

Our photomultipliers tube (Module) including photon counter and light detector. Please check the below table to find the one you need.


Photon Counter

A photo counter, also known as a photon counter or photodetector, is a device used to detect and count individual photons of light. It is a type of optical detector that converts incident photons into measurable electrical signals. It operates based on the principle of photoelectric effect or photovoltaic effect. When a photon strikes the detector, it excites electrons in the material, generating an electrical current or voltage. This signal is then processed and counted by the counting circuitry of the detector. Photo counters are used in various applications where precise measurement and counting of photons are required, such as quantum optics, spectroscopy, biomedical research, communication, and remote sensing.


Light Detector 

A light detector, also known as a photodetector or photosensor, is a device that detects and measures the presence or intensity of light. It converts light signals into electrical signals that can be measured or processed. Light detectors are used in a wide range of applications, including photography, optical communication systems, scientific research, security systems, and many others.


Selection Guide for Photomultipliers Tube (Module) all product
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Paramater Photon Counter Light Detector


STM1011 STM2011 STM2012 STM2021 STM2031 STM2111-01 STM2111-02
Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max.
 Image            /
 Input Voltage +4.75~+5.25 +11.5~+12.5 +4.75~+5.25 ±11.75~±12.25 +11.75~+12.25 ±11.5~±12.5 V
 Max Input Current 60 70 100 150 150 100 mA
 Effective Area Φ25 Φ25 Φ22 Φ22 Φ22 8×24 mm
 Spectral Range 290-650 165-900 160-650 nm
 Peak Wavelength 420 400 nm


Photon Counter – STM1011/STM2011/STM2012

These  photon counters including STM1011/STM2011/STM2012.The STM1011 and STM2011 are mainly composed of head-on photomultiplier tube, high voltage power supply module and signal forming circuit. They are used in biology, medicine, chemistry and other fields, mainly involving weak light detection, precision measurement. The STM2012 is a photon counting detector which is composed of head-on photomultiplier, high voltage power supply module and comparative forming circuit. 


 The products have been tested in all aspects, switch on the power supply, the output end and the counting unit can be connected to use. Product performance can be customized according to customer demand.



Product Specifications and Brochures

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Paramater STM1011 STM2011 STM2012 Unit
Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max.

 Input Voltage +4.75~+5.25 +11.5~+12.5 +4.75~+5.25 V
 Max Input Current 60 70 100 mA
 Effective Area Φ25 Φ25 Φ22 mm
 Spectral Range 290-650 nm
 Peak Wavelength 420
 Output Pulse Logic TTL /
 Output Pulse Amplitude(1) 2 2.5 / 2 2.5 / / 2.2 2.5 V
 Pulse Pairs Resolving Time 20 20 / / / ns
 Sensitivity of Counting 4.5×105 @400nm s-1·pW-1
 Maximum Linear Count Rate(2) 6×106Before Calibration 1.0×107Before Calibration s-1
20×106After correction 4.0×107After Correction
 Dark Count(3) / 80 200 / 80 200 / 100 200 s-1
 Consistency(4) / / ±10 / / ±10 / %
 8 Hour Instability(5) / 0.60 3 / 0.60 3 1 %
 Pulse Pair Resolution Time / / / / / / 17 ns
 Recommended Load Resistance 50 Ω
Weight 280 445 220 g
 Work Environment(6) Temperature +5~+40
Humidity 90%RH (Max.) /
 Storage Environment Temperature -20~+50
Humidity 93%RH (Max.) /
 Test Ambient Temperature 25

Note:(1)Load 50Ω. (2) STM1011:After correction, it is obtained by STM1011 with the correction function of the northern night vision counter unit. STM2011:After correction, it is obtained by STM2011 with the correction function of the northern night vision counter unit. STM2012:Random pulse; STM2012 income before correction; After correction, it is obtained by STM2012 cooperating with the correction function of counter unit STM4011.(3)After 30 minutes of light avoidance, the room temperature was 25℃, the test was conducted for 300s, and the mean value was calculated. (4) STM1011/ STM2011:The light source wavelength is between 400~500nm, and the detector output counting rate is about 15ks-1. (5)The detector output counting rate is about 30ks-1 .(6)No condensation.





Spectral Graph


              Spectral Response Curve            Count Rate Correction Curve
                   STM1011 / STM2011 / STM2012                       STM1011 /STM2011 / STM2012



             Graph of Dark Counting Rate With Temperature               Graph of Dark Count Variation With Temperature
              STM1011 / STM2011                            STM1011 / STM2011 / STM2012







STM1011 STM2011





Light Detector - STM2021/STM2031/STM2111

These light detectors including STM2021/STM2031/STM2111, the STM2021 light detector is composed of head-on photomultiplier tube, power supply circuit and amplifier circuit, the STM2031 light detector is composed of head-on photomultiplier tube and power supply circuit.


The STM2111 photometric detector consists of side window photomultiplier tube, high voltage power supply module and amplifier circuit. It is mainly used in high energy physics, vitro diagnosis, precision measurement and other fields.


The gain of the light detectors can be controlled by resistance regulation or voltage regulation.





Product Specifications and Brochures

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Paramater STM2021 STM2031 STM2111-01 STM2111-02 Unit

 Input Voltage ±11.75~±12.25 +11.75~+12.25 ±11.5~±12.5 V
 Max Input Current 150 100 mA
 Effective Area Φ22 8×24 mm
 Spectral Range 290-650 165-900 160-650 nm
 Peak Wavelength 420 400 nm
 Max.Average Output Signal Current / 100 / μA
 Remommend Control Voltage +2~+4.5Impedance 10kΩ +2~+5 V
 Cathode Luminous Sensitivity(1) 90 250 60 μA/lm
 Cathode Radiant Sensitivity(1)(3) 100 70 25 mA/W
 Anode Radiant Sensitivity(1) 2×105 / / A/W
 Output Luminous Sensitivity(1) / 1.2×107 4×106 V/lm
 Output Ardiant Sensitivity(1)(3) / 3.5 1.7 V/nW
 Red and White Ratio / 0.3 / /
 IV Conversion Ratio 1 / 0.05 V/μA
 Frequency Bandwidth DC to 20 / 500 kHz
 Max Linear Output Voltage(1) 5 / 5 V
 Offset Voltage(1)(4) / ±2 mV
 Dark Current(5) / 10 / nA
 Ripple Noise(1)(2) 4 mV
 Weight 220 225 g
 Work Environment Temperature +5~+40
Humidity 90%RH /
 Storage Environment Temperature -10~+50 -20~+50
Humidity 93%RH /
 Test Ambient Temperature 25

Note: (1)Control voltage +4V.  (2)Load resistance 1MΩ, capacitance 22pF test. (3) STM2111: Wavelength of incident light: 400nm.(4) Preheating time: 30min. (5) Test after 30min of light avoidance.




Spectral Graph


                 Spectral Response Curve                 Spectral Response Curve 


               STM2021 / STM2031                             STTM20111



                 Dark Current Temperature Characteristic Curve

           STM2021 / STM2111

               Dark Current Temperature Characteristic Curve




              Output Current Linearity

                              Dark Current Temperature Characteristic Curve 


      STM2031                     STM2031






Wiring and Gain Adjustment Method


STM2021 STM2031










STM2021 / STM2031 STM2111


Photomultipliers Tube (PMT)

Model Spectral Response Range Peak Wavelength QE Typ. Effective Area(mm) Cathode Luminous Sensitivity Typ. Anode Sensitivity Typ.
 Photomultipliers Tube Head-On (Tube Only) 290 - 650nm 380 - 500nm 12% -,28% Φ10 - Φ58 40 - 100μA/lm 30 - 2000A/lm
 Photomultipliers Tube Side On(Tube Only) 160 - 900nm / / 8×24 40 - 250μA/lm 400 - 2500A/lm
 Photomultipliers Tube (Module) 160 - 900nm 400nm, 420nm / Φ22 - Φ25 | 8×24 60 - 250μA/lm /
 Microchannel Plate - Photomultiplier (MCP-PMT) 115 - 650nm 250nm, 380nm 30%@410nm, 15%@250nm / 70μA/lm 900A/lm
 Scintillator Probe / / / Φ25×25 - Φ75×75 / /
 β Detector / / / Φ10, Φ25 / /




Assemblies and Counting Unit


High Voltage Tube Socket High Voltage Tube Socket for Side Window Voltage Power Supply Counting Unit

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Photon Counter, Input Voltage +4.75~+5.25V, Max Input Current 60mA, Effective Area Φ25mm, Spectral Range 290-650nm, Peak Wavelength 420nm, Output Pulse Logic TTL, Output Pulse Amplitude Typ. 2.5V, Sensitivity of Counting 4.5×10^5 @400nm, Maximum Linear Count Rate 20×10^5 After Correction, Dark Count Typ. 80 s^-1
6-8 weeks Request for quote
Photon Counter, Input Voltage +11.5~+12.5V, Max Input Current 70mA, Effective Area Φ25mm, Spectral Range 290-650nm, Peak Wavelength 420nm, Output Pulse Logic TTL, Output Pulse Amplitude Typ. 2.5V, Sensitivity of Counting 4.5×10^5 @400nm, Maximum Linear Count Rate 20×10^6 After Correction, Dark Count Typ. 80 s^-1
6-8 weeks Request for quote
Photon Counting Detector, Input Voltage Typ. +4.75~+5.25V, Max Input Current 100mA, Effective Area Φ22mm, Spectral Range 290-650nm, Peak Wavelength 420nm, Output Pulse Logic TTL, Output Pulse Amplitude Typ. 2.2V, Sensitivity of Counting 4.5×10^5 @400nm, Maximum Linear Count Rate 4.0×10^7 After Correction, Dark Count Typ. 100 s^-1
6-8 weeks Request for quote
Light Detector, Input Voltage ±11.75~±12.25V, Max Input Current 150mA, Effective Area Φ22mm, Spectral Range 290-650nm, Peak Wavelength 420nm, Remommend Control Voltage +2~+4.5V(Impedance 10kΩ), Cathode Luminous Sensitivity 90μA/lm, Cathode Radiant Sensitivity 100mA/W, Anode Radiant Sensitivity 2×10^5 A/W, IV Conversion Ratio 1V/μA,Max Linear Output Voltage 5V, Ripple Noise 4 mV
6-8 weeks Request for quote
Light Detector, Input Voltage +11.75~+12.25V, Max Input Current 150mA, Effective Area Φ22mm, Spectral Range 290-650nm, Peak Wavelength 420nm, Max.Average Output Signal Current 100 μA,Remommend Control Voltage +2~+4.5V(Impedance 10kΩ), Cathode Luminous Sensitivity 90μA/lm, Cathode Radiant Sensitivity 100mA/W, Anode Radiant Sensitivity 2×10^5 A/W, Dark Current 10nA,Ripple Noise 4 mV
6-8 weeks Request for quote
Photometric Detector, Input Voltage ±11.5~±12.5V, Max Input Current 100mA, Effective Area 8×24mm, Spectral Range 165-900nm, Peak Wavelength 420nm,Remommend Control Voltage +2~+5V, Cathode Luminous Sensitivity 250μA/lm, Cathode Radiant Sensitivity 70mA/W, Output Luminous Sensitivity 1.2×10^7V/lm, Output Ardiant Sensitivity 3.5 V/nW,IV Conversion Ratio Ripple 0.05V/μA, Offset Voltage ±2mV, Ripple Noise 4 mV
6-8 weeks Request for quote
Photometric Detector, Input Voltage ±11.5~±12.5V, Max Input Current 100mA, Effective Area 8×24mm, Spectral Range 160-650nm, Peak Wavelength 400nm,Remommend Control Voltage +2~+5V, Cathode Luminous Sensitivity 60μA/lm, Cathode Radiant Sensitivity 25mA/W, Output Luminous Sensitivity 4×10^6V/lm, Output Ardiant Sensitivity 1.7 V/nW,IV Conversion Ratio Ripple 0.05V/μA, Offset Voltage ±2mV, Ripple Noise 4 mV
6-8 weeks Request for quote

STM2111-02 - Parameter

Light Detector

STM2111-01 - Parameter

Light Detector

STM2031 - Parameter

Light Detector

STM2021 - Parameter

Light Detector

STM2012 - Parameter

Photon Counter

STM2011 - Parameter

Photon Counter

STM1011 - Parameter

Photon Counter

STM2111-02 - Download

STM2111-01 - Download

STM2031 - Download

STM2021 - Download

STM2012 - Download

STM2011 - Download

STM1011 - Download


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