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  • DermDive: A New Era in Professional Skin Analysis


    Revolutionizing Dermatological Diagnostics: The Introduction of DermDive In the fast-evolving field of dermatological technology, the introduction of DermDive by SIMTRUM marks a significant milestone. This wideband handheld confocal Raman skin analyzer is a breakthrough for prof...

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  • Overview of Technical Terminology Related to Image Sensors


    Contents What is Pixel and PixelSize how it affects Resolution? What is Well Depth and how it affects image quality? What is FSI and BSI and their difference? What is Quantum Efficiency (QE) in image sensor and why it is important ? What are the Key Factors that affect Q...

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  • The difference of CCD and CMOS cameras and how does they work.


    Index What is the difference of CCD and CMOS camera? How does CCD or CMOS work? What is the difference of CCD and CMOS camera? CCD (Charge-Coupled Device) and CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) sensors are the two main types of image sensors used in di...

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  • What are the differences and characteristics of a single point, line scan and spinning disk confocal?


    Single Point ScanningSingle point scanning confocal microscopy, also known asPoint Scanning Confocal Microscopyor traditional confocal microscopy, is a technique that uses a focused laser beam to sequentially scan a single point or small region of interest within a sample. It pro...

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  • Why does confocal microscopy have better resolution than conventional microscopy?


    SummaryConfocal microscopy offers superior resolution compared to conventional microscopy by eliminating out-of-focus light, providing optical sectioning, reducing background noise, and employing optimized optical designs. In this article, we first tell what out-of-focus fluoresc...

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  • Summary of detector technology available in the market and their sensing capability.


    The material used in camera technology, particularly the image sensor and the lens, can indeed affect the range of wavelengths a camera can detect. Different materials are sensitive to different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. Heres an overview of some materials used in ca...

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  • How Hyperspectral and Multi-spectral Camera work and there key specification


    1. What is a hyperspectral camera and how does it work?2. What is the difference betweensnapshotandlines can hyperspectralcamera?3. What are the differences between hyperspectral andmulti-spectral cameracameras?4. What is spectral resolution?5. What is spatial resolution?6. What ...

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  • How does the point spread function influence microscopy resolution?


    IntroductionThe point spread function (PSF) is the three-dimensional image of a point-like object under the microscope. It describes how a microscope blurs out any point-like object due to the diffraction of light, which determines the microscopes resolution limit. The PSF can be...

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  • What is a Raman Spectrometer?


    The difference between Rayleigh Scattering, Stoke Raman Scatting Anti-Stoke Raman scatteringA Raman spectrometer is an analytical instrument used to measure the Raman scattering of light from a sample.The basic principle of Raman spectroscopy involves shining a monochromatic lig...

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  • Visualization of the binding pattern of monoclonal antibodies against Klebsiella pneumoniae


    Fondazione Toscana Life Sciences (TLS) is a no-profit organization based in Siena (Italy) which supports research activities in the Life Sciences, from basic research to industrial application. Among their projects, the Monoclonal Antibody Discovery (MAD) Lab at TLS is focused on...

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  • Deep Structured Illumination Microscopy of Neurobiological Samples


    Widefield (WF) and Confocal (CF) Microscopy might be sufficient to study cellular and tissue morphology and dynamics but are often not enough to accurately answer all biological questions. As a matter of fact, in WF and CF microscopy subcellular structures still remain inaccessib...

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  • Live-cells Details and Dynamics with Structured Illumination Microscopy


    One of the biggest challenges for Super-Resolution (SR) techniques is to enhance the subcellular details of living cells while following the dynamics of biological events. The SR commercial solutions applicability is nowadays limited to a tiny fraction of the whole live-cell imag...

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  • Structured Illumination Microscopy with Low Magnification Objectives


    At SIMTRUM we are working to make Super-Resolution (SR) accessible to all researchers and to advance their scientific potential and breakthroughs to the next level.Our newest product, the SIM Basic, is based on a multi-spot structured illumination system and it can study cellular...

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  • The Principle & Development of LSCM Systems


    LSCM(Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy) is a high-tech optical and electronic instrument developed from the 1980s. In recent years, the technology has developed rapidly and its functions have been improved day by day. It is one of the most advanced fluorescence imaging and cell ...

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  • How to accurately measure peak levels?


    Because of the limited number of pixels in the spectrometer detector, there is a situation where only a few pixels make up a single spectral peak at the high spectral resolution, resulting in an unsmoothed peak, as shown in the figure below.Because of the limited number of pixels...

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  • Key Parameters for Laser Power Stability.


    Lasers generally use RMS (root mean square) stability to evaluate power or energy, and peak-to-peak stability is more demanding.RMS stability, the ratio of the root mean square of all collected power (or energy) to the average power (or average energy) during the test time, descr...

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  • What is optical fiber amplifier? And the frequently asked question.


    1, Single wavelength EDFA is divided into pre-amplifier PA, power amplifierBA, and line amplifier LA. What are the differences?Erbium-doped fiber small-signal amplifier (PA, Pre-Amplifier) is dedicated to amplifying weak optical signals in the range of -45dBm ~ -25dBm, the typica...

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  • Setup-Guide: Pulsed Photothermal Reflectance


    Setup-Guide: Pulsed Photothermal Reflectance+thermal conductivity +thermal boundary resistance +thermal transport Nanosecond laser +CW laser +photodetectorAuthor:Majid Kabiri Samani (PhD NTU 2014)At a glance:• Knowledge article• Method •SetupPulsed Photothermal Reflectance is an ...

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  • Steady-state Photocurrent Spectroscopy


    Steady-state photocurrent spectroscopy is a conventional light modulation technique, which measures the photoexcited current in function of the incident photon energy; thus, allowing the investigation of the electronic structure of semiconductors. In this technique,a photoconduct...

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  • What is the challenge of the High-speed single-photon detection?


    Our IDQ Infrared Single Photon Detectormay bring you some new insights.Taking single-photon detection rates to new highs, with the ID281 parallel-pixel superconducting detectors.Detecting single photons is hard. Not because they are strange wonders of quantum mechanics, as you mi...

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  • How to choose the right microscopic technique?


    Microscopic is drastically changing in recent years. While there is a wide range of microscopic techniques available, you may need to consider what type of microscopic technique is more relevant to your biological problem. We provide a general guideline to choose your right micro...

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  • Guideline for choosing microscopy technique based on the sample and thickness.

    In a conventional epifluorescence microscope emitted light from the sample collected by the objective and projected on tube lens by the camera. The fundamental problem of convectional microscopy is out of focus fluorescence that comes from other regions of the sample. That light ...

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  • Three techniques to apply photon correlation


    You might be creating powerful technology in a commercial environment – or pushing boundaries in quantum communication, computing or optics through your research. If you are using photon correlation in your work, to check particle sizing, quantum key distribution or signal to noi...

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  • What is the advantage of Slit-less Technology in Spectrometer


    Slit-less Technology in SpectrometerDirect imaging of the sourceIn contrast to conventional devices the innovative XUV / VUV spectrometers by HP do not require a narrowentranceaperture but rather image the harmonic source directly onto the detector. Thus 80% or more of theincomin...

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  • Hyperspectral Imaging for Agricultural Applications


    +Hyperspectral Imaging +PCA PlotBackgroundHyperspectral Imaging produces a wealth of information when used in surveillance, quality checks and sample studies. When adopted with a range of statistical processes, the spectral information collected can assist with sorting, identifca...

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  • High Photon Detection Efficiency Systems at Telecom (NIR) Wavelengths


    +ID281 Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detector+SNSPD+Infrared Photon Detection +Quantum InformationBackgroundAs interests inQuantum CommunicationandQuantum Informationhas increased, so to has the demand forhigh efficency single photon detection systems.High efficiency sys...

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  • A Guide to Spectroscopy: Types of Spectrometers and it's Applications


    BackgroundThe controlling factor of spectroscopy solutions is the range of electromagnetic spectrum being analyzed. Different portions of the electromagnetic spectrum faces different challenges optically – leading to a wide range of devices based on the application of the process...

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  • laser crystal Selection Guide, how to choose the most suitable crystal for your application?


    Guidelines on picking the suitable crystalContact Us | Product Catalogue | Technical Specialist: Majid ( for a unique or small quanitiy of crystals? We provide limited sourcing services and arrangements for orders without MOQ:Contact us.Factors to cons...

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  • Jablonski Energy Diagram


    Jablonski Energy DiagramAbove bandgap photoexcitation of semiconductors generates electron-hole pairs. Depending on their binding energy, these can be directly formed as free electrons in conduction band and holes in valence band (the case of most bulk inorganic semiconductors); ...

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  • Luminescence


    Figure 1 shows the Jablonski diagram of singlet, triplet exciton states with a few vibrational sides. Light absorption with energy above the bandgap excites electrons from lower to higher energy levels. The excited charges tend to quickly relax back down to its lowest vibrational...

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  • Lecture Hall of Optics Components: Fresnel Equation and Mirror


    Optical elementMirrors are the most commonly used optical components in optical laboratories and optical instruments. SIMTRUM provides metal mirrors and dielectric film mirrors with low thermal expansion coefficient, high-quality surface accuracy (λ / 10), and high-quality surfac...

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  • Concise Optics


    Geometric Optics | SerialAs electromagnetic waves, the properties of light can be described by many physical quantities, such as the amplitude, frequency, phase, and propagation constant of the electric field. The unit of the electric field amplitude is in volts/meter, which indi...

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  • 7 Types of Cutting-Edge Technology of Fiber Laser, How Many Do You Know?


    Fiber lasers were born in the 1960s. With the development of glass fiber materials, the maturation of high-power fiber optic devices, and the commercialization of high-brightness and high-power semiconductor pumping sources, fiber laser technology has been developed rapidly. Nowa...

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  • Understand how polarizer works (polarized optical element)


    Polarization of lightPolarization: Asymmetrical directions of vibration and propagation.Transverse wavescan oscillate in different directions because only could the transverse waves polarize. The electric field and the magnetic field of the electromagnetic wave are perpendicular ...

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  • Determination of Optical Properties of Corner Cubes


    ZYGO Fizeau interferometerDetermination of optical properties of corner cubesPyramid, also known as (retroreflective mirror), is composed of three perpendicular planes which are perpendicular to each other. Regardless of the incident angle, the incident light is totally reflected...

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  • Polarization Splitting and Energy Splitting, can you distinguish clearly?


    With the advancement of science and technology, more and more applications of laser technology are involved in basic research in the fields of biology, medicine, chemistry, and experimental method. However, in practice, the difference between the spectroscopic effect and the appl...

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  • Working Principle and Debugging Skills for Pockels Cell


    It is well known that after a non-centrosymmetric non-linear birefringent crystal (or optical medium) is applied with a directed electric field, its birefringent optical properties will change with the modulation of the electric field. To remember the famous German scientist Fri...

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  • Design and Debugging and Optical Climbing systems


    Abstract: In a common optical path structure, the optical path is often restricted to propagate in the plane, and the optical height (the distance between the axis of the optical path and the optical platform) is generally a certain value. For some more complex optical paths, due...

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  • Optical Lens Tutorial - the different usage of an optical lens


    Abstract: The lens is the most commonly used optical element besides the plane mirror. As a transmissive element, its main function is to change the focused (divergent) state of the light beam and then to achieve imaging or beam reduction (expansion). This article focuses on the ...

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  • Design and Debugging of Laser Beam Expansion System


    In the field of laser technology, the spatial size conversion of the laser beam is one of the most conventional operations. If the collimation of the beam is not considered, a single lens can be used to focus and diverge the beam. If you want to get a nearly collimated laser beam...

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  • Different types of Polarizer and how to choose the right Polarizer


    In the optical experiment, Polarizer plays a very important role. In the field of traditional laser amplification, Polarizer can be used to form an optical isolation system with a Faraday rotator and can also be used to form an electro-optic switch of a solid-state laser with an ...

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  • Reflector Adjustment Skills - How to use two points to determine a straight line


    The focus of this article is the challenges faced with beam alignment. Due to the Covid-19 circuit breaker, weve spent some time out of the lab. As we return back to work, were introducing a tutorial network and online resource for potential students, researchers and lab staff.Ta...

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