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激光窄滤波器 | 瑆创光学电子商店





1.激光器 具有非常好的单色性  需要带宽较窄激励  
2 .通常实验反射激光质量一定要求需要较好平整才能反射激光畸变最小化;
3 .激光能量密度较高发射需要较高截止深度 O D降低激光激发噪声

488nm 激光波段滤光片
光源类型 激励芯片带宽 二向色镜平面度 发射机
LED / 水银灯 / 卤素灯 / 白光 >/= 20 nm </=10 waves/inch OD5abs @ Ex and Em intersections
激光 </= 20 nm </=2 waves/inch OD6abs @ laserline
1.TIRFSTORMPALM STED激光应用 平整发射截止深度不同要求 请参考相关部分;
2.光子SHGCARSSRS激光应用 屏蔽截止深度不同要求相应章节所述
ET 系列 - 激光波段带通滤光片
滤片组 激发滤光片
49901 405/20 405 460/50 400 - 410
49902 436/20 442 480/40 430 - 445
49903 436/20 442 500/40 430 - 445
49904 488/10 488 525/50 485 - 491
49905 514/10 514 545/40 511 - 517
49906 514/10 514 575/50 511 - 517
49907 532/10 532 575/50 529 - 535
49908 532/10 532 590/50 529 - 535
49909 561/10 561 600/50 557 - 563
49910 561/10 561 630/75 557 - 563
49911 594/10 594 645/75 591 - 596
49914 642/20 647 705/72 633 - 650
ET 系列-激光波段滤光片 
滤片组 激发滤光片
49912 594/10 594 610 355 - 375
49913 635/20 640 655 591 - 596
49915 365/20 365 425 633 - 640
ET 系列 - 激光波段滤光片

滤片组 激光波长
395 nm 405 nm 442 nm 488 nm 514 nm 532 nm 561 nm 594 nm 640 nm 647 nm
  • 405 nm 激光用于激活

Chroma PCR 滤光片 采用 先进磁控溅射镀膜工艺 具有透过率截止深度特点基于常用荧光探针设计滤光片中心波长带宽 滤波器经过重新优化避免相邻通道之间泄漏PCR实验提供最佳信噪比



PCR 滤片组

适用 PCR 染料


FAM, SYBR Green, EvaGreen




ROX, Texas Red

Cy5 Set

Cy5, Qusar 670

Cy5.5 Set

Cy5.5, Qusar 705

Seven-color PCR filter set

PCR 滤片组

适用 PCR 染料

Atto 425 Set

Atto 425


FAM, SYBR Green, EvaGreen

HEX Narrow Set


Atto 550 Set

TAMARA, Cy3, Atto 550

ROX Narrow Set

ROX, Texas Red

Cy5 Set

Cy5, Qusar 670

Cy5.5 Set

Cy5.5, Qusar 705



色差采用 磁控溅射镀膜技术具有膜层密度光谱特性优良环境耐受特点磁控溅射镀膜会对产生 较大应力 导致基板产生一定程度弯曲激光应用如果具有一定曲率半径反射激光变成散光集中 导致光束质量不佳影响实验结果仪器性能另外平整决定反射成像质量关键因素 反射成像路。
Chroma拥有专利  控制二色镜平整工艺可以消除应力的影响根据应用需求提供具有不同平整向色系列)。


UltraFlat 系列 基材厚度(mm) 表面平整度(nm) 典型应用
UF1 1 </= 2 波/英寸 P-V @ 632.8 共聚焦、双光子、CARS/SRS、流式细胞术等
UF2 2 </= 0.5 波/英寸 P-V @ 632.8 TIRF, PALM, STORM
UF3 3 </= 0.25 波/英寸 P-V @ 632.8 STED, 结构化照明
>/= 5  </= 0.1 波/英寸 P-V @ 632.8 定制应用
荧光滤光片  光谱流式细胞不同染料组合对应不同滤光片选择取决于信噪比渗透考虑联系Chroma讨论具体协议细节以下荧光滤光片光谱变色镜典型光谱




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Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 412 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $250.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 415 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $175.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 440 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $175.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 510 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $300.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 525 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $250.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 550nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $250.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 560 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $250.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL):562 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $250.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 570 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $250.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 570 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $250.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 585 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $250.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 588 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $250.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 590 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $250.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 635 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $250.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 655 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $175.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 660 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $250.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 685 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $250.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 760 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $250.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 770 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $250.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 810 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $250.00
49901 Filter Set
49901 ET Series Laser Single Band Bandpass Filter Set,Laser wavelength 400-410 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1050.00
49902 Filter Set
49902 ET Series Laser Single Band Bandpass Filter Set,Laser wavelength 430-445 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1050.00
49903 Filter Set
49903 ET Series Laser Single Band Bandpass Filter Set,Laser wavelength 430-445 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1050.00
49904 Filter Set
49904 ET Series Laser Single Band Bandpass Filter Set,Laser wavelength 485 - 491 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1050.00
49905 Filter Set
49905 ET Series Laser Single Band Bandpass Filter Set,Laser wavelength 511 - 517 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1050.00
49906 Filter Set
49906 ET Series Laser Single Band Bandpass Filter Set,Laser wavelength 511 - 517nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1050.00
49907 Filter Set
49907 ET Series Laser Single Band Bandpass Filter Set,Laser wavelength 529 - 535 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1050.00
49908 Filter Set
49908 ET Series Laser Single Band Bandpass Filter Set,Laser wavelength 529 - 535 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1050.00
49909 Filter Set
49909 ET Series Laser Single Band Bandpass Filter Set,Laser wavelength 557 - 563 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1050.00
49910 Filter Set
49910 ET Series Laser Single Band Bandpass Filter Set,Laser wavelength 557 - 563 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1050.00
49911 Filter Set
49911 ET Series Laser Single Band Bandpass Filter Set,Laser wavelength 591 - 596 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1050.00
49914 Filter Set
49914 ET Series Laser Single Band Bandpass Filter Set,Laser wavelength 633 - 650 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1050.00
49912 Filter Set
49912 ET Series Laser single-band long-pass filter set,Laser wavelength 355 - 375 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1050.00
49913 Filter Set
49913 ET Series Laser single-band long-pass filter set,Laser wavelength 591 - 596 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1050.00
49915 Filter Set
49915 ET Series Laser single-band long-pass filter set,Laser wavelength 633 - 640 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1050.00
59901 Filter Set
59901 ET Series - Laser Multi-Band Filter Set,Laser wavelength 405-488 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1450.00
59902 Filter Set
59902 ET Series - Laser Multi-Band Filter Set,Laser wavelength 442-514 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1450.00
59903 Filter Set
59903 ET Series - Laser Multi-Band Filter Set,Laser wavelength 442-532 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1450.00
59904 Filter Set
59904 ET Series - Laser Multi-Band Filter Set,Laser wavelength 488-561 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1450.00
59905 Filter Set
59905 ET Series - Laser Multi-Band Filter Set,Laser wavelength 488-594 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1450.00
59906 Filter Set
59906 ET Series - Laser Multi-Band Filter Set,Laser wavelength 488-640 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1450.00
59907 Filter Set
59907 ET Series - Laser Multi-Band Filter Set,Laser wavelength 532-640 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1510.00
69901 Filter Set
69901 ET Series - Laser Multi-Band Filter Set,Laser wavelength 405-561 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1500.00
69902 Filter Set
69902 ET Series - Laser Multi-Band Filter Set,Laser wavelength 405-594 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1500.00
69904 Filter Set
69904 ET Series - Laser Multi-Band Filter Set,Laser wavelength 442-561 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1500.00
69905 Filter Set
69905 ET Series - Laser Multi-Band Filter Set,Laser wavelength 442-594 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1500.00
89901v2 Filter Set
89901v2 ET Series - Laser Multi-Band Filter Set,Laser wavelength 405-640 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1600.00
89902 Filter Set
89902 ET Series - Laser Multi-Band Filter Set,Laser wavelength 405-647 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $1600.00
89004 Filter Set
89004 ET Series - Laser Multi-Band Filter Set,Laser wavelength 395-640 nm,Filters can be purchased separately
4-6 Weeks $2050.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 425 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $250.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 455 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $250.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 505 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $175.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 515 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $250.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 565 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $250.00
Dichroic beamsplitters (mirrors),Wavelength (CWL): 600 nm,Type :BS,Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges
4-6 Weeks $175.00
49401-FAM Filter set
49401-FAM Filter set,Recommended filter set for detecting FAM in PCR instruments with an LED light source with output in the range of 455-485nm,Optimized for PCR applications, not intended for microscopy.
4-6 Weeks Request for quote
49402-HEX Filter set
49402-HEX Filter set,Recommended filter set for detecting HEX in PCR instruments with an LED light source with output in the range of 520-540nm.Optimized for PCR applications, not intended for microscopy.
4-6 Weeks Request for quote
49403-ROX Filter set
49403-ROX Filter set,Recommended filter set for detecting ROX in PCR instruments with an LED light source with output in the range of 560-580nm.Optimized for PCR applications, not intended for microscopy.
4-6 Weeks Request for quote
49404 – Cy5 Filter set
49404 – Cy5 Filter set,Recommended filter set for detecting Cy5 in PCR instruments with an LED light source with output in the range of 620-640nm.Optimized for PCR applications, not intended for microscopy.
4-6 Weeks Request for quote

49404 – Cy5 Filter set - Parameter

49403-ROX Filter set - Parameter

49402-HEX Filter set - Parameter

49401-FAM Filter set - Parameter

AT600DC - Parameter

T565lpxr - Parameter

T515lp - Parameter

AT505DC - Parameter

T455lp - Parameter

T425lpxr - Parameter

89004 Filter Set - Parameter

89902 Filter Set - Parameter

89901v2 Filter Set - Parameter

69905 Filter Set - Parameter

69904 Filter Set - Parameter

69902 Filter Set - Parameter

69901 Filter Set - Parameter

59907 Filter Set - Parameter

59906 Filter Set - Parameter

59905 Filter Set - Parameter

59904 Filter Set - Parameter

59903 Filter Set - Parameter

59902 Filter Set - Parameter

59901 Filter Set - Parameter

49915 Filter Set - Parameter

49913 Filter Set - Parameter

49912 Filter Set - Parameter

49914 Filter Set - Parameter

49911 Filter Set - Parameter

49910 Filter Set - Parameter

49909 Filter Set - Parameter

49908 Filter Set - Parameter

49907 Filter Set - Parameter

49906 Filter Set - Parameter

49905 Filter Set - Parameter

49904 Filter Set - Parameter

49903 Filter Set - Parameter

49902 Filter Set - Parameter

49901 Filter Set - Parameter

T810lpxr - Parameter

T770lpxr - Parameter

T760lpxr - Parameter

T685lpxr - Parameter

T660lpxr - Parameter

AT655DC - Parameter

T635lpxr - Parameter

T590lpxr - Parameter

T588lpxr - Parameter

T585lpxr - Parameter

T570lpxr - Parameter

T570lp - Parameter

T562lpxr - Parameter

T560lpxr - Parameter

T550lpxr - Parameter

T525lpxr - Parameter

T510lpxrxt - Parameter

AT440DC - Parameter

AT415DC - Parameter

T412lpxt - Parameter

49404 – Cy5 Filter set - Download

49403-ROX Filter set - Download

49402-HEX Filter set - Download

49401-FAM Filter set - Download

AT600DC - Download

T565lpxr - Download

T515lp - Download

AT505DC - Download

T455lp - Download

T425lpxr - Download

89004 Filter Set - Download

89902 Filter Set - Download

89901v2 Filter Set - Download

69905 Filter Set - Download

69904 Filter Set - Download

69902 Filter Set - Download

69901 Filter Set - Download

59907 Filter Set - Download

59906 Filter Set - Download

59905 Filter Set - Download

59904 Filter Set - Download

59903 Filter Set - Download

59902 Filter Set - Download

59901 Filter Set - Download

49915 Filter Set - Download

49913 Filter Set - Download

49912 Filter Set - Download

49914 Filter Set - Download

49911 Filter Set - Download

49910 Filter Set - Download

49909 Filter Set - Download

49908 Filter Set - Download

49907 Filter Set - Download

49906 Filter Set - Download

49905 Filter Set - Download

49904 Filter Set - Download

49903 Filter Set - Download

49902 Filter Set - Download

49901 Filter Set - Download

T810lpxr - Download

T770lpxr - Download

T760lpxr - Download

T685lpxr - Download

T660lpxr - Download

AT655DC - Download

T635lpxr - Download

T590lpxr - Download

T588lpxr - Download

T585lpxr - Download

T570lpxr - Download

T570lp - Download

T562lpxr - Download

T560lpxr - Download

T550lpxr - Download

T525lpxr - Download

T510lpxrxt - Download

AT440DC - Download

AT415DC - Download

T412lpxt - Download


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