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超高对比度三阶自相关器 | 瑆创光学电子商店


Ultra-high Contrast Third-order Autocorrelator

Our third-order autocorrelator serves as a highly sensitive diagnostic tool for laser pulse contrast 

measurements. After further development [1], the dynamic range reaches up to 14 orders of 

magnitude, enough to characterize the background or trace the tiniest pre- and post-pulse replicas 

of the most powerful lasers in the world. The autocorrelator employs all-reflective components 

(apart from signal generating non-linear crystals), guaranteeing correlation traces free of 

measurement artefacts. It can be employed in a wide range of applications. In particular, high 

intensity experiments in plasma physics require in depth understanding of the pulse contrast and 

possible parasitic pulse structures. Contrary to second-order autocorrelators, pre- and post-pulses

can be distinguished due to the third-harmonic nature of the signal. These features make our 

specialized fully automatized autocorrelator an invaluable tool for state-of-the-art contrast 

characterization of ultrashort and intense laser pulses.


Key Product Features:

 Ultra-sensitive pulse contrast measurement

 Tundra+ : 1012 (1011) dynamic range with 50-150 μJ input pulses at 800 nm (1030 nm)

 Tundra++: Up to 1014 dynamic range with 1-3 mJ input pulses at 800 nm or 1030 nm

 Up to 3.8 ns scan range

 No ghost pulse artefacts

 Available wavelengths: 800 nm, 1030 nm & 1053 nm. More upon request.

 Easy to set up and use.

 Full user-friendly software package

 Customizable according to laser specifications

          Sample Measurement:


  Laser intensity contrast measurement of the PHELIX Laser at GSI,

  Germany. The laser signal (at 10-11 level) pulls off about 3 orders

  of magnitude above the detection limit.

  Characteristics:  TUNDRA  TUNDRA+  TUNDRA++

  Single dynamic range 

  (orders of magnitude)

  11 @ 800 nm

  10 @ 1030/1064 nm

  12 @ 800 nm

  11 @ 1030/1064 nm

  up to 14
  Delay scan range                                                              633 ps, 1.9 ns or 3.8 ns
  Time zero position                                        customizable (633 ps/ 3.8 ns), user-selectable on-site (1.9 ns)
  Input pulse energy                                             50-150 µJ1-3 mJ

  Scan step resolution                                                 2 fs @ 633 ps range 4 fs @ 1.9 ns / 3.8 ns
  Input polarization                                                                   s-polarized beam (vertical)
  Footprint  54 x 37 cm2  54 x 52 cm2

Reference Measurements: 

TUNDRA autocorrelators have been used successfully to characterize some of the most powerful and unique Terawatt and Petawatt laser systems in the world,


 ATLAS, MAP, Garching, Germany 

 (50-250 TW, 25 fs)

 PFS, MPQ, Garching, Germany

 (100 TW, < 10 fs)

 SYLOS, ELI-ALPS high-contrast OPCPA laser

 (5 TW, 9 fs)

 SALLE JAUNE, LOA, Palaiseau, France

 (200 TW, 26 fs)

 APOLLON, Palaiseau, France 

 (up to 5 PW, 15 fs)

 PHELIX, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany 

 (500 TW, 500 fs)

User-Friendly Software Interface:

TUNDRA comes with a user-friendly software interface that makes it easy to set up a 

measurement. Furthermore, different measurements can be compared, the traces 

can be analyzed and the thickness of the optical elements generating pulse replica 

can be calculated with the software. The scan resolution can be set to different 

values throughout the measurement to minimize the acquisition time.


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