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4K大视场变焦镜头| 瑆创光学电子商店


Simtrum’s 4K big FOV high-resolution zoom lens not only has excellent performance in zooming, but also has big FOV and higher speed.

It’s an ideal choice for high speed detection and accurate application.Compared with the traditional zoom system, the field of vision is improved by more than 1.45X.


•Support 1"sensor camera, which expands the FOV by more than1.45X compared with the traditional lens at the same magnification.
•Designed with higher resolution requirements, the horizontalresolution with a 1 inch camera can reach 4K level.
•The magnification is 0.68X-5X, which is suitable for most testingapplications.
•Modular design, multiple magnification TV tube and lens attachmentare optional, modules with other functions are additionally provided forselection.


  • Biology
  • Electronics
  • Semiconductor
  • Machine Vision
  • High-precision Industries


Product Introduction

1-Inch CCD Compatibility, Larger Sensor Size, Better Light Passage

Traditional lmage Lens

4k Zoom Lens

Better Sharpness

Traditional lmage Lens 4k Zoom Lens

Product specifications and Brochures

Product Brochure Link: 


Magnitcation Range 0.68X-5.0X
Working Distance (mm) 80
Magnification 0.68X 1.0X 2.0X 3.0X 4.0X 5.0X
DOF (mm) 1.78 0.89 0.25 0.12 0.08 0.07
N.A. 0.033 0.045 0.08 0.11 0.12 0.12
FNo. 10.3 11 12.4 13.5 16.5 20.6
Resolution (um) 10.17 7.46 4.19 3.05 2.8 2.8
TV Distortion < 0.02%
FOV (mm) 1" 23.53x18.82x14.12 16.0x12.8x9.6 8.0x6.4x4.8 5.33x4.27x3.2 4.0x3.2x2.4 3.2x2.56x1.92
2/3" 16.18x12.94x9.71 11.0x8.8x6.6 5.5x4.4x3 3.67x2.93x2.2 2.75x2.2x1.65 2.2x1.76x1.32
1/2" 11.76x9.41x7.06 8.0x 6.4x4.8 4.0x3.2x2.4 2.67x2.13x1.6 2.0x1.6x1.2 1.6x1.28 x0.96
1/3" 8.82x7.06x5.29 6.0x4.8x3.6 3.0x2.4x1.8 2.0x1.6x1.2 1.5x1.2x0.9 1.2x0.96x0.72
Max. Sensor Size 1"
Total Length (mm) 328
Zooming Method Manual/Motorized
Mount C-Mount


4K Zoom Lens Selection Diagram

4K Zoom Lens Fov Table

Lens Attachment 0.25X
WD (mm) 240
N.A. Low Magnification 0.0083
High Magnification 0.03
Object Resolution (μm) Low Magnification 40.67
High Magnification 11.18
Tube Mag. Magnification Depth of field(mm) Camera Sensor (D*H*V) (mm)
1/2” 2/3" 1" 4/3" 32mm
0.7X Low Magnification 0.119X 40.74 67.2x53.8x40.3 92.4x73.9x55.5
High Magnification 0.857X 1.52 9.1x7.3x5.5 12.6x10.1x7.5
1X Low Magnification 0.17X 28.52 47.1x37.6x28.2 64.7x51.8x38.8 94.1x75.3x56.5
High Magnification 1.25X 1.07 6.4x5.1x3.8 8.8x7.0x5.3 12.8x10.2x7.7
1.5X Low Magnification 0.255X 19.01 31.4x25.1x18.8 43.1x34.5x25.9 62.7x50.2x37.6 84.7x67.8x50.8
High Magnification 1.875X 0.71 4.3x3.4x2.6 5.9x4.7x3.5 8.5x6.8x5.1 11.5x9.2x6.9
2X Low Magnification 0.34X 14.26 23.5x18.8x14.1 32.4x25.9x19.4 47.1x37.6x28.8 63.5x50.8x38.1 94.1x75.3x56.5
High Magnification 2.5X 0.53 3.2x2.6x1.9 4.4x3.5x2.6 6.4x5.1x3.8 8.6x6.9x5.2 12.8x10.2x7.7


Lens Attachment 0.5X
WD (mm) 135
N.A. Low Magnification 0.0165
High Magnification 0.06
Object Resolution (μm) Low Magnification 20.33
High Magnification 5.59
Tube Mag. Magnification Depth of field(mm) Camera Sensor (D*H*V) (mm)
1/2” 2/3" 1" 4/3" 32mm
0.7X Low Magnification 0.238X 10.19 33.6x26.9x20.2 46.2x37.0x27.7
High Magnification 1.75X 0.38 4.6x3.7x2.7 6.3x5.0x3.8
1X Low Magnification 0.34X 7.13 23.5x18.8x14.1 32.4x25.9x19.4 47.1x37.6x28.2
High Magnification 2.5X 0.27 3.2x2.6x1.9 4.4x3.5x2.6 6.4x3.5x2.6
1.5X Low Magnification 0.51X 4.75 15.7x12.5x9.4 21.6x17.3x12.9 31.4x25.1x18.8 42.4x33.9x24.4
High Magnification 3.75X 0.18 2.1x1.7x1.3 2.9x2.3x1.8 4.3x3.4x2.6 5.8x4.6x3.5
2X Low Magnification 0.68X 3.57 11.8x9.4x7.1 16.2x12.9x9.7 23.5x18.8x14.1 31.8x25.4x19.1 47.1x37.6x28.2
High Magnification 5X 0.13 1.6x1.3x1.0 2.2x1.8x1.3 3.2x2.6x1.9 4.3x3.5x2.6 6.4x5.1x3.8


Lens Attachment 0.75X
WD (mm) 111
N.A. Low Magnification 0.025
High Magnification 0.09
Object Resolution (μm) Low Magnification 13.56
High Magnification 3.73
Tube Mag. Magnification Depth of field(mm) Camera Sensor (D*H*V) (mm)
1/2” 2/3" 1" 4/3" 32mm
0.7X Low Magnification 0.375X 4.53 22.4x17.9x13.4 30.8x24.6x18.5
High Magnification 2.625X 0.17 3.0x2.4x1.8 4.2x3.4x2.5
1X Low Magnification 0.51X 3.17 15.7x12.5x9.4 21.6x17.3x12.9 31.4x25.1x18.8
High Magnification 3.75X 0.12 2.1x1.7x1.3 2.9x2.3x1.8 4.3x3.4x2.6
1.5X Low Magnification 0.765X 2.11 10.5x8.4x6.3 14.4x11.5x8.6 20.9x16.7x12.5 28.2x22.6x16.9
High Magnification 5.625X 0.08 1.4x1.1x0.9 2.0x1.6x1.2 2.8x2.3x1.7 3.8x3.1x2.3
2X Low Magnification 1.02X 1.58 7.8x6.3x4.7 10.8x8.6x6.5 15.7x12.5x9.4 21.2x16.9x12.7 31.4x25.1x18.8
High Magnification 7.5X 0.06 1.1x0.9x0.6 1.5x1.2x0.9 2.1x1.7x1.3 2.9x2.3x1.7 4.3x3.4x2.6


Lens Attachment 1X
WD (mm) 80
N.A. Low Magnification 0.033
High Magnification 0.12
Object Resolution (μm) Low Magnification 10.17
High Magnification 2.8
Tube Mag. Magnification Depth of field(mm) Camera Sensor (D*H*V) (mm)
1/2” 2/3" 1" 4/3" 32mm
0.7X Low Magnification 0.476X 2.55 16.8x13.4x10.1 23.1x18.5x13.9
High Magnification 3.5X 0.1 2.3x1.8x1.4 3.1x2.5x1.9
1X Low Magnification 0.68X 1.78 11.8x9.4x7.1 16.2x12.9x9.7 23.5x18.8x14.1
High Magnification 5X 0.07 1.6x1.3x1.0 2.2x1.8x1.3 3.2x2.6x1.9
1.5X Low Magnification 1.02X 1.19 7.8x6.3x4.7 10.8x8.6x6.5 15.7x12.5x9.4 21.2x16.9x12.7
High Magnification 7.5X 0.04 1.1x0.9x0.6 1.5x1.2x0.9 2.1x1.7x1.3 2.9x2.3x1.7
2X Low Magnification 1.36X 0.89 5.9x4.7x3.5 8.1x6.5x4.9 11.8x9.4x7.1 15.9x12.7x9.5 23.5x18.8x14.1
High Magnification 10X 0.03 0.8x0.6x0.5 1.1x0.9x0.7 1.6x1.3x1.0 2.2x1.7x1.3 3.2x2.6x1.9


Lens Attachment 1.5X
WD (mm) 45
N.A. Low Magnification 0.0495
High Magnification 0.18
Object Resolution (μm) Low Magnification 6.78
High Magnification 1.86
Tube Mag. Magnification Depth of field(mm) Camera Sensor (D*H*V) (mm)
1/2” 2/3" 1" 4/3" 32mm
0.7X Low Magnification 0.714X 1.13 11.2x9.0x6.7 15.4x12.3x9.2
High Magnification 5.25X 0.04 1.5x1.2x0.9 2.1x1.7x1.3
1X Low Magnification 1.02X 0.79 7.8x6.3x4.7 10.8x8.6x6.5 15.7x12.5x9.4
High Magnification 7.5X 0.03 1.1x0.9x0.6 1.5x1.2x0.9 2.1x1.7x1.3
1.5X Low Magnification 1.53X 0.53 5.2x4.2x3.1 7.2x5.8x4.3 10.5x8.4x6.3 14,1x11.3x8.5
High Magnification 11.25X 0.02 0.7x0.6x0.4 1.0x0.8x0.6 1.4x1.1x0.9 1.9x1.5x1.2
2X Low Magnification 2.04X 0.4 3.9x3.1x2.4 5.4x4.3x3.2 7.8x6.3x4.7 10.6x8.5x6.4 15.7x12.5x9.4
High Magnification 15X 0.01 0.5x0.4x0.3 0.7x0.6x0.4 1.1x0.9x0.6 1.4x1.2x0.9 2.1x1.7x1.3


Lens Attachment 2X
WD (mm) 27
N.A. Low Magnification 0.066
High Magnification 0.24
Object Resolution (μm) Low Magnification 5.08
High Magnification 1.4
Tube Mag. Magnification Depth of field(mm) Camera Sensor (D*H*V) (mm)
1/2” 2/3" 1" 4/3" 32mm
0.7X Low Magnification 0.952X 0.64 8.4x6.7x5.0 11.6x9.2x6.9
High Magnification 7X 0.02 1.1x0.9x0.7 1.6x1.3x0.9
1X Low Magnification 1.36X 0.45 5.9x4.7x3.5 8.1x6.5x4.9 11.8x9.4x7.1
High Magnification 10X 0.02 0.8x0.6x0.5 1.1x0.9x0.7 1.6x1.3x1.0
1.5X Low Magnification 2.04X 0.3 3.9x3.1x2.4 5.4x4.3x3.2 7.8x6.3x4.7 10.6x8.5x6.4
High Magnification 15X 0.01 0.5x0.4x0.3 0.7x0.6x0.4 1.1x0.9x0.6 1.4x1.2x0.9
2X Low Magnification 2.72X 0.22 2.9x2.4x1.8 4.0x3.2x2.4 5.9x4.7x3.5 7.9x6.4x4.8 11.8x9.4x7.1
High Magnification 20X 0.01 0.4x0.3x0.2 0.6x0.4x0.3 0.8x0.6x0.5 1.1x0.9x0.6 1.6x1.3x1.0

Model Type Optical Magnification Range Working Distance
Z65C Series Zoom Lens/Coaxial lllumination Zoom Lens/3mm Fine Focus/12mm Fine Focus 0.7X~4.5X

90±2 mm

Z65D Series Detented Zoom Lens/Detented With Coaxial llumination/Detented With 3mm Fine Focus
Z65M Series Motorized Zoom/Motorized Zoom Lens With Coaxial lllumination/Dual-motor Motorized Zoom
Z65F-RS/Z65M-C(A) Zoom Lens With Magnification RS232 Output/Coaxial lllumination+Motorized Zoom 90±2 mm/80±2 mm
Z125 Series Detented /Motorized With Coaxial lllumination/Detented with Coaxial llumination  0.58X~7.5X 84±2 mm
4K Big FOV Zoom Lens Manual/Motorized 0.68X-5.0X 80 mm

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