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(6+1)x1 PM泵和信号组合器 | 瑆创光学电子商店

(6+1)x1 PM泵和信号组合器

(6+1)×1 PM (Polarization-Maintaining) Pump & Signal Combiner is a specialized optical device used in the field of fiber optics, particularly in high-power applications like fiber lasers and fiber amplifiers. It combines multiple pump laser beams and a signal beam into a single output fiber while maintaining the polarization properties of the light.



  • High Transfer Efficiency  
  • Stable and Reliable
  • Custom Configurations Available


  • High Power Fiber Laser
  •  Fiber Amplifier





 Port Configuration


(6 +1)x1

 Pump Wavelength



 Signal Wavelength


1030-1080 or 1450-1600nm

 Signal Input Fiber





 Pump Fiber



105/125 or 200/220


 Signal Output Fiber






 Extinction Ratio at 23℃






 Pump Efficiency at 23℃





 Signal Insertion Loss at 23℃



 Max. Handling Power / per Pump





 Return Loss at 23℃



 Package Dimension


D6, D7 or Customized

 Operating Temperature


 Storage Temperature


Ordering Information



- Port Configuration:



- Fiber Type for Input:

003=PM980, 018=PM 10/125DCF, SSS=Specified

- Fiber Type for Pump:

1=MM-S105/125-22A, 2=MM-S200/220-22A, S=Specified


- Fiber Type for Output:

018=PM 10/125DCF, 024=PLMA-GDF-25/250-M, SSS=Specified


- Package Dimensions:

D3=70x12x8mm, D6=100x15x10mm, S=Specified

- Pigtail Type:

0=bare fiber

- Fiber Length:

0.8=0.8m, 1.0=1m, S=Specified


- Handling Power/Signal:

005=5W, 010=10W, 100=100W, 200=200W, SSS=Specified


- Handling Power/Per Pump:

005=5W, 010=10W, 100=100W, 200=200W, SSS=Specified


1.Package dimensions: D6=100x15x10mm, D7=100x28x12.6mm-HP, C=Customized;

2.Please feel free to contact us if you need more fiber selections;

Q:What is Pump Combiner/MFA/CPS and the use for?

A:Pump Combiner, Mode Field Adapter (MFA), and Cladding Power Stripper (CPS) are components used in fiber optic systems, especially in the context of fiber lasers and amplifiers. Each of these components has a specific role in managing light within the fiber system. Here's a breakdown of each component and its use:


Pump Combiner

Purpose:A Pump Combiner is used to combine the light from several pump lasers into a single fiber. This is especially useful in high-power fiber laser and amplifier systems where multiple pump sources are needed to achieve the desired power levels.

Use:In fiber lasers and amplifiers, pump combiners are used to efficiently combine the output of several pump laser diodes and couple this combined light into the core of a single fiber, typically the gain fiber where the signal amplification or lasing action occurs.

Mode Field Adapter (MFA)

Purpose:The Mode Field Adapter is designed to match the mode field diameters (MFDs) of two fibers. This is crucial when the light is being transferred between fibers with different core sizes to minimize losses.

Use:MFAs are used in systems where light needs to be efficiently coupled between fibers with different mode field diameters. For instance, when coupling light from a standard single-mode fiber into a larger-diameter fiber, such as a double-clad fiber in a high-power amplifier or laser system.

Cladding Power Stripper (CPS)

Purpose:A Cladding Power Stripper is used to remove unwanted light that is propagating in the cladding of a fiber. This light, if not removed, can lead to undesired effects and inefficiencies in the system.

Use:In high-power fiber laser and amplifier systems, some of the pump light may leak into the cladding rather than staying in the core. The CPS is used to strip this light from the cladding, ensuring that it does not reach the end of the fiber where it could cause damage or interfere with the system's performance.

CPS is also used to improve the beam quality of the output light by ensuring that only the desired light modes are present.


Q:What mean Port Configuration of PM Pump & Signal Combiner

A:The port configuration of a PM (Polarization-Maintaining) Pump & Signal Combiner describes the arrangement and number of input and output ports of the device. This configuration is crucial because it defines how the light from different sources (pump and signal) is combined and how it can be utilized in a fiber optic system, especially in the context of fiber amplifiers or lasers. The notation used for the port configuration provides a quick and clear understanding of the combiner's capabilities. Here's how to interpret this notation:


Understanding Port Configuration Notation:

Input Ports (Pump + Signal):

The first part of the notation, before the "x", typically represents the input ports.

The numbers before and after the "+" sign indicate the number of ports for pump lasers and signal inputs, respectively.

For example, in a "(2+1)x1" combiner, there are two pump inputs and one signal input.

Output Port:

The number after the "x" represents the number of output ports.

Generally, in pump and signal combiners, this number is "1", indicating that there is one output fiber where the combined light (pump light and signal light) is coupled and transmitted.


(2+1)x1 Configuration:This means there are two inputs for pump light (the "2" in "2+1"), one input for the signal light (the "1" in "2+1"), and these are all combined and output through one output port (the "1" in "x1").

(3+1)x1 Configuration:This configuration indicates that the combiner accepts three pump light inputs, one signal light input, and combines these into a single output.

(1+1)x1 Configuration:This configuration would indicate one pump light input, one signal light input, and one output port.

Importance in PM Combiners:For PM (Polarization-Maintaining) combiners, maintaining the polarization state of the light through these ports is crucial. The configuration not only indicates the number of ports but also implicitly assures that the device is designed to handle the polarization aspect effectively throughout the light combining process.


In summary, the port configuration of a PM Pump & Signal Combiner provides an at-a-glance understanding of how many pump and signal light sources can be connected to the device and how many output ports the combined light is delivered through, all while maintaining the polarization characteristics essential in certain high-precision fiber optic applications.



Q:What does Pump Wavelength and Signal Wavelength mean?

A:Pump Wavelength and Signal Wavelength are two critical terms used in the context of fiber optic communications, particularly in fiber lasers and optical amplifiers. Here's what each term means and their significance in such systems:

Pump Wavelength

1. Definition: The pump wavelength refers to the wavelength of the light used to "pump" or provide energy to the optical amplifier or fiber laser.

2. Purpose:

    - The light at the pump wavelength is absorbed by the medium (often a doped fiber) in the amplifier or laser, transferring energy to the medium's atoms or ions.

    - This energy is necessary to excite the atoms or ions to higher energy states, setting the stage for the amplification process.

3. Selection Criteria:

    - The pump wavelength is chosen based on the absorption characteristics of the gain medium (like Erbium, Ytterbium, or other dopants). It must align with the energy levels of the dopant to ensure efficient energy transfer.

Signal Wavelength

1. Definition: The signal wavelength is the wavelength of the actual data-carrying light in the fiber optic system. It's the wavelength of the light that is being amplified in an optical amplifier or produced in a fiber laser.

2. Purpose:

    - In an optical amplifier, the signal wavelength is that of the light that enters the amplifier and is amplified through the process of stimulated emission, leveraging the energy provided by the pump light.

    - In a fiber laser, the signal wavelength is the wavelength of the laser light generated within the cavity, again through the process of stimulated emission.

3. Selection Criteria:

    - The signal wavelength is determined by the system's requirements, such as the need to align with specific transmission windows for minimal loss in fiber optic cables (e.g., 1550 nm in telecommunications).

    - In lasers, the signal wavelength is also determined by the properties of the gain medium and the laser cavity design.

Relationship and Interaction:

- In a fiber amplifier or laser, the pump light at the pump wavelength provides the necessary energy to the gain medium by exciting its atoms or ions.

- These excited atoms or ions then release their energy in the form of light at the signal wavelength, amplifying the existing signal light (in an amplifier) or creating coherent laser light (in a laser).

- The efficiency of this process depends on the proper matching of the pump wavelength with the absorption spectrum of the gain medium and the alignment of the signal wavelength with the emission characteristics of the medium.


Understanding the distinction and interaction between pump and signal wavelengths is crucial for designing and optimizing fiber optic amplifiers and lasers, ensuring efficient operation, and achieving the desired amplification or lasing characteristics.


Q:What is Signal Input Fiber and Signal Output Fiber?

A:Signal Input Fiber and Signal Output Fiber are terms generally associated with fiber optic technology, which is used for transmitting information as pulses of light through strands of fiber made of glass or plastic. These fibers are a key component of modern telecommunications infrastructure, enabling high-speed data transfer over long distances. Here's a basic understanding of each:

1. Signal Input Fiber:

   - This refers to the fiber optic cable through which light signals (carrying data) are introduced or transmitted into the system.

   - In a communication system, it's the starting point of the optical transmission path.

   - A light source, such as a laser or LED (light-emitting diode), injects the data-encoded light signals into this fiber.

2. Signal Output Fiber:

   - Conversely, this is the fiber optic cable through which the light signals emerge or are received at the end of the transmission path.

   - At this point, an optical receiver, which could be a photodiode or similar device, detects the light signals and converts them back into electrical signals for further processing or interpretation.

   - The quality and integrity of the data are often checked at this stage, ensuring that the transmission was successful and the data is intact.


In any fiber optic communication system, maintaining the purity and clarity of the signal from the input fiber to the output fiber is crucial. Factors like fiber quality, distance, connectors, and splices can affect the integrity of the transmitted signal. Signal amplifiers or repeaters might be used along the transmission path to boost the signal strength and ensure data reaches the output fiber without significant loss or degradation.


Q:What is Pump Efficiency

A:Pump efficiency, often referred to in the context of hydraulic systems, is a measure of how effectively a pump converts the mechanical energy or power input from a motor (or another source) into hydraulic energy or power output in the fluid being pumped. It's a crucial parameter because it directly influences the energy consumption and operational cost of pump systems.

Pump efficiency can be affected by various factors including the design of the pump, the condition of the pump (wear and tear), the type of fluid being pumped, and how closely the pump’s operating conditions match the pump’s optimal design conditions. X-axis (Horizontal): Categories - Input Power, Handling Power (which can be shown as Output Power for clarity), and maybe Efficiency.Y-axis (Vertical): Power in kW (kilowatts) for Input and Output Power, and percentage for Efficiency.

Here's how pump efficiency is typically understood and calculated:

1. Overall Efficiency (η):

    - It is the ratio of the hydraulic power output (Pout) to the mechanical power input (Pin) to the pump.

    - Formula: η = Pout / Pin

    - Pout(Hydraulic Power) is calculated as the product of the discharge pressure and the flow rate of the fluid.

    - Pin (Mechanical Power) is the power supplied to the pump shaft and can be measured or calculated based on the input torque and rotational speed.

2. Components of Pump Efficiency:

    - Volumetric Efficiency (ηv): This component of efficiency measures how effectively the pump delivers fluid at its discharge end compared to its theoretical capacity. It accounts for leaks within the pump and the compressibility of the fluid.

    - Mechanical/Hydraulic Efficiency (ηm): This factor accounts for mechanical losses within the pump itself (like friction, fluid drag, etc.) and how well the pump converts mechanical power from the motor into hydraulic power in the fluid.

3. Influence Factors:

    - The efficiency can vary significantly based on factors like pump design, operating conditions (e.g., flow rate, pressure), and the physical properties of the fluid being pumped (e.g., viscosity, temperature).

4. Importance of Efficiency:

    - High efficiency means less energy is wasted, leading to lower operational costs and less heat generation. Conversely, a low-efficiency pump requires more power to move the same amount of fluid, leading to higher costs and potentially more wear and tear on the system.


In practice, pump efficiency is crucial for system design, energy conservation, and cost-effective operation. Operators and engineers often strive to operate pumps as close as possible to their "best efficiency point" to ensure optimal performance and longevity.


Q:What does Handling Power / per Pump mean ?

A:Mechanical Perspective:Input Power: It's the amount of power the pump can handle on its input side, usually provided by an electric motor or any other mechanical drive system. This power is necessary for the pump to operate and move the fluid through the system.

Handling Power: In this context, refers to the pump's ability to handle and convert the mechanical power (from the motor or drive) into hydraulic power (fluid movement or pressure) efficiently without overheating, excessive vibration, or wear and tear.

Hydraulic Perspective:

Output Power: It's the power the pump imparts to the fluid in the system. This is calculated based on the flow rate and the pressure increase the pump provides (Pout = Flow Rate x Pressure Increase).

Handling Power: Here, it might refer to the pump's capacity to generate a certain level of hydraulic power, effectively moving a specific volume of fluid to a certain height or pressure without failure or significant efficiency loss.


In both contexts, "Handling Power per Pump" is a measure of a pump's capability and efficiency. It's a critical parameter in pump selection and system design, ensuring that the pump can meet the operational demands without excessive energy consumption or risk of failure.In industrial settings, understanding the handling power of a pump helps in ensuring that the pump operates within its optimal efficiency range, often referred to as the "Best Efficiency Point." This not only ensures the longevity of the pump but also minimizes operational costs and energy usage.



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