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PM手册VOA | 瑆创光学电子商店



532-2050nm PM Manual Variable Optical Attenuator

PM Manual Variable Optical Attenuator is an optical device used to adjust the intensity of optical signals, which can change the intensity or power of optical signals by manual adjustment. It is usually used to accurately control the transmission and reception of optical signals, especially in applications that require accurate control of optical signal intensity.



  • High Precision
  • Wide Attenuation Range
  •  Low Insertion Loss


  • Optical Communication Systems Test
  •  Optics Laboratory





 Center Wavelength


2050, 2000

1550, 1310

1064, 980

850, 780

633, 532

 Operating Wavelength Range







 Attenuation Range







 Max. Insertion Loss at 23℃







 Min. Extinction Ratio at 23℃







 Min. Return Loss at 23℃



 Adjustment Precision



 Max. Power Handling (CW)



 Fiber Type


PM Panda Fiber

 Operating Temperature

0 ~ +70

 Storage Temperature


 Package Dimensions



For device With connectors, IL is 0.3dB higher, RL is 5dB lower, and ER is 2dB lower.  The default connector key is aligned to slow axis.


Package Dimensions

Ordering Information




- Wavelength:

2000=2000nm, 1550=1550nm, 1310=1310nm, 1064=1064nm, SSSS=Specified

- Working Axis:

B=Both axis working, F=Fast axis blocked


- Fiber Type:

001=PM1550, 002=PM1310, 003=PM980, 045=PM1950, SSS=Specified

- Package Dimensions:

0=26x18x8mm, S=Specified

- Pigtail Type:

0=bare fiber, 1=900μm loose tube, S=Specified

- Fiber Length:

0.8=0.8m, 1.0=1m, S=Specified


- Connector Type:

0=FC/UPC, 1=FC/APC, 2=SC/UPC, 3=SC/APC, N=None, S=Specified



Q:What is PM Manual Variable Optical Attenuator and what its use for

A:PM Manual Variable Optical Attenuator, often abbreviated as PM Manual VOA, refers to a manually adjustable device used in fiber optics. "PM" stands for Polarization-Maintaining, indicating that the device is designed to preserve the polarization of the light that passes through it. Here's a detailed breakdown of its components, uses, and core parameter instructions:

  2. 1.Purpose of PM Manual Variable Optical Attenuator (VOA):

  3.    -Signal Power Regulation: The primary purpose of a PM Manual VOA is to manually adjust the power level of the light signal in a fiber optic communication system.

  4.   -System Testing: Used in testing and measurement to simulate various power level conditions and to test the dynamic range and linearity of photonic components and systems.

  5.   -System Protection: Protects sensitive optical components from receiving light signals that are too strong, which could potentially cause damage.

  7. 2.Use of PM Manual VOA:

  8.     -Telecommunications: In fiber optic communication networks to adjust the signal strength for optimal performance.

  9.     -Sensing Systems: In fiber optic sensing systems where the intensity of the light signal needs precise adjustment.

  10.     -Research and Development: In labs and R&D facilities for experimenting with and testing fiber optic systems and components.


Operators of PM Manual VOAs must be meticulous in following the core parameter instructions to ensure that the device functions as intended, providing precise control over the light signal in a manner that is both effective and safe for the system it's used within.


Q:What is Attenuation Range
A:Attenuation range, especially in the context of Variable Optical Attenuators (VOAs), refers to the range over which the device can reduce or attenuate the power level of a light signal in a fiber optic cable. This range is usually expressed in decibels (dB). For example, a VOA might have an attenuation range of 0 to 30 dB, meaning it can reduce the signal power from its original level down to a level that is 30 dB lower.


Here's how attenuation in dB relates to signal power:

           - 0 dB: No attenuation, the signal power remains the same.

           - 3 dB: The signal power is reduced to half of its original power.

          - 10 dB: The signal power is reduced to one-tenth of its original power.

          - 20 dB: The signal power is reduced to one-hundredth of its original power.

          - 30 dB: The signal power is reduced to one-thousandth of its original power.

          - And so on. Each 10 dB reduction corresponds to a tenfold decrease in signal power.

the percentage of the original signal power that remains after various levels of attenuation. The x-axis will show the attenuation in dB, and the y-axis will show the remaining signal power as a percentage of the original power.

Q:What is Adjustment Precision?

A:Adjustment Precision, especially in the context of devices like Variable Optical Attenuators (VOAs) or other finely-tuned instruments, refers to the smallest change in the setting or output that the device can reliably produce. It's a measure of how finely you can control the adjustments you make to the device. Here are some key points about adjustment precision:

-Granularity of Control: Precision indicates how granular or fine the adjustments can be. For instance, if a VOA has high adjustment precision, you can make very small changes to the attenuation level, which allows for precise control over the signal strength.

Repeatability and Reliability: Precision also involves the repeatability and reliability of making those adjustments. A device with high adjustment precision not only allows for fine adjustments but ensures that these adjustments can be made consistently and reliably.

-Resolution vs. Precision: It's important to differentiate between resolution and precision. Resolution is the smallest change that a device can measure or output (like the smallest change in attenuation a VOA can provide), while precision is more about the accuracy and consistency of these measurements or adjustments. A device can have high resolution but poor precision if the measurements or adjustments are not consistent.

-Importance in Communication Systems: In fiber optic communication systems, where signal strength can significantly affect performance, having precise adjustment capabilities in a VOA ensures that the signal can be fine-tuned to meet the exact requirements of the system, thereby optimizing performance and preventing signal overload or underload.

-Specification and Calibration: Manufacturers typically specify the adjustment precision of devices like VOAs. Devices with higher precision generally require careful design, high-quality components, and precise calibration.


In practice, if you're working with a system that requires high fidelity and performance, you would seek out devices like VOAs with high adjustment precision to ensure you have the level of control needed for your application.



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