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PM光纤跳线 | 瑆创光学电子商店


The Fiber Patchcord is a specialized type of fiber jumper primarily utilized in applications such as fiber lasers, optical transceivers, fiber devices, fiber I/O interfaces, and other related fields.

It plays a crucial role in optical systems that demand precise polarization control, including but not limited to fiber optic sensors, optical coherence tomography (OCT), fiber lasers, and optical measurement instruments.

PM fiber connectors are employed in optical communication systems to ensure consistent signal polarization state particularly when employing polarization multiplexing technology for enhanced transmission capacity.


  • Low Insertion Loss  
  • High Return Loss  
  • High Extinction Ratio  
  • High Reliability
  • High Stability


  • Optical Fiber Amplifiers  
  • Test Instrument
  • Fiber Sensor  
  • Research  
  • Fiber Laser





 Connector Type



 Center Wavelength


2000, 1950

1550, 1310

1060, 980

850, 780

633, 532

 Max. Insertion Loss at 23







 Min. Extinction Ratio at 23℃







 Min. Return loss

UPC Type



APC Type



 Fiber Type


PM Panda fiber

 Key Orientation


Slow Axis

 Tolerance for Axis Alignment



 Operating Temperature


 Storage Temperature


The default connector key is aligned to slow axis.



Package Dimensions


Key Orientation

Ordering Information



- Wavelength:

2000=2000nm, 1550=1550nm, 1310=1310nm, 1064=1064nm, 980=980nm,...

- Axis Alignment:

S=Slow axis, F=Fast axis


- Fiber Type:

001=PM1550, 002=PM1310, 003=PM980, SSS=Specified

- Pigtail Type:

0=bare fiber, 1=900μm loose tube, 2=2.0mm loose tube, 3=3.0mm loose tube

- Fiber Length:

0.8=0.8m, 1.0=1m, ..., 20=20m, S=Specified

- Connector for Input:

0=FC/UPC, 1=FC/APC, 2=SC/UPC, 3=SC/APC, N=None, S=Specified

- Connector for Output:

0=FC/UPC, 1=FC/APC, 2=SC/UPC, 3=SC/APC, N=None, S=Specified

Q:What is PM Fiber Patchcord and use for?
A:PM Fiber Patchcord, where "PM" stands for Polarization-Maintaining, is a specialized type of fiber optic patch cord designed to maintain the polarization state of the light that travels through it. Unlike standard single-mode or multi-mode fibers, which do not maintain the polarization of light, PM fibers are specifically designed to preserve the linear polarization of the light signal.


Key Characteristics and Uses of PM Fiber Patchcords:

Polarization Maintenance:

PM fibers are constructed to maintain the polarization of the light, which is crucial in applications where the polarization state of light needs to be preserved or controlled.

Applications in Sensing and Communication:

Fiber Optic Sensing: PM fibers are often used in fiber optic sensing applications where the measurement is dependent on the polarization state of the light, such as in certain types of interferometric sensors.

Telecommunications and Data Transmission: In systems where data is encoded in the polarization state of the light, maintaining this state over the transmission path is crucial. PM fibers are used in such systems to ensure the integrity of the transmitted data.

Research and Scientific Applications: In various scientific and research applications, especially in physics and photonics, maintaining the polarization of light is critical. PM fibers are used in laboratories for such purposes.

Connector and Alignment:

PM fiber patch cords come with connectors that are specifically designed to maintain polarization. The alignment of these connectors is crucial; they usually have a keying mechanism to ensure that the fiber maintains the correct orientation throughout the connection.

High Precision and Stability:

These fibers offer high precision and stability in environments where maintaining the polarization state of light is necessary for the accuracy and reliability of the system or experiment.

Compatibility and Interfacing:

When using PM fiber patch cords, it's important to ensure that all components in the optical path, including couplers, connectors, and the light source itself, are compatible with polarization-maintaining protocols to ensure the integrity of the polarization state is preserved.


In summary, PM Fiber Patchcords are crucial in applications where the preservation of the light's polarization state is essential for the functionality of the system, whether it be for precise measurements, high-fidelity data transmission, or research and scientific exploration. Their design and usage are centered around maintaining the polarization characteristics of light over the optical transmission path.


Q:What the Key Orientation of PM Fiber Patchcord

A:The key orientation of a Polarization-Maintaining (PM) fiber patchcord is a critical aspect of its design and functionality. PM fibers are designed to maintain the specific polarization state of the light traveling through them, and the orientation of the fiber, connectors, and the alignment to the light source and other components are crucial in preserving this polarization state. Here's a breakdown of the key orientation considerations for PM fiber patchcords:

1.Connector Key Alignment:

    - PM fiber connectors typically have a key or a flat side that ensures proper alignment when mating with receptacles or other connectors. This key ensures that the fiber maintains the correct orientation so that the intended polarization state is preserved.

    - The connectors are often aligned to the slow axis or the fast axis of the fiber, and this alignment must be maintained throughout the connection to ensure the polarization-maintaining properties of the fiber are effective.

2. Axis Orientation:

    - PM fibers have two principal axes: the slow axis and the fast axis. The polarization of light is maintained along one of these axes. It's crucial that during the installation and connection of PM fiber patchcords, the orientation of these axes is carefully observed and maintained.

    - The orientation of the axes is often marked on the connector or the patchcord housing to assist with proper alignment.

3. Orientation During Splicing or Connection:

    - When splicing or connecting PM fibers, the rotational orientation is critical. The axes of the fibers being spliced or connected must be precisely aligned to ensure that the polarization-maintaining characteristics are preserved across the connection.

4. Consistency in the System:

    - For a system utilizing PM fibers, all components should be consistently oriented with respect to the polarization axes. Any misalignment can cause the system to lose the benefits of polarization maintenance, leading to potential issues in the system's performance.

5. Labeling and Documentation:

    - PM fiber patchcords and their corresponding connectors are usually labeled or color-coded to indicate the orientation of the polarization axes. Proper documentation and following manufacturer guidelines are crucial to ensure that the orientation is maintained correctly during installation and usage.

6. Installation and Handling:

    - Handling and installing PM fiber patchcords requires precision and care. Twisting or bending the patchcord excessively can stress the fiber and potentially alter its polarization-maintaining properties.


In summary, the key orientation of PM fiber patchcords is not just a physical characteristic but a fundamental aspect of their functionality. Proper alignment, consistent orientation, careful handling, and adherence to manufacturer guidelines are essential to ensure that the unique polarization-maintaining properties of these fibers are effectively utilized in their applications.


Q:What is Tolerance for Axis Alignment in PM Fiber Patchcord use for?

A:The tolerance for axis alignment in PM (Polarization-Maintaining) fiber patchcords is a crucial specification that defines the allowable deviation from the perfect alignment of the fiber's principal axes (the slow and fast axes) during the connection of the fiber to other optical components, such as connectors, couplers, or other fibers. This tolerance is vital for several reasons:

1. Preservation of Polarization State:

    - The primary purpose of PM fibers is to maintain the specific polarization state of the light signal. Even slight misalignments can cause the light to couple from the intended polarization mode to the other mode, leading to degradation of the polarization-maintaining properties.

2. Minimization of Insertion Loss:

    - Proper axis alignment is crucial for minimizing insertion loss. Misalignment can lead to increased insertion losses, reducing the efficiency and performance of the fiber optic system.

3. Maximization of Extinction Ratio:

    - The extinction ratio in PM fiber systems refers to the ratio of the transmitted power in the desired polarization state to the power in the orthogonal (undesired) polarization state. Tight tolerance in axis alignment ensures a high extinction ratio, meaning that the system effectively maintains the desired polarization state over the undesired one.

4. System Performance:

    - Systems that rely on the polarization state of light for their operation, such as certain types of sensors, communication systems, or interferometric devices, require precise control over the polarization. Tolerance levels for axis alignment directly impact the performance and reliability of these systems.

5. Compatibility and Standardization:

    - In complex systems where components from different manufacturers might be used together, having standardized tolerance levels for axis alignment ensures compatibility and consistent performance across the system. 


The tolerance for axis alignment is typically specified in degrees (°). The smaller the number, the tighter the tolerance, and the better the fiber will be at maintaining the polarization state. During the manufacturing and installation of PM fiber patchcords, ensuring that the alignment is within these tolerance limits is critical for the system's overall performance. Specialized equipment and techniques are often used to measure and achieve the precise alignment required in high-performance fiber optic systems.


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