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保偏密集WDM(DWDM) | 瑆创光学电子商店



Polarization Maintaining Dense WDM (DWDM) from Simtrum is designed for high performance in DWDM modules and systems, GPON networks, and CATV links. It features low insertion loss and high return loss, ensuring signal integrity. With high isolation and stability, it's reliable for critical network infrastructure, offering efficient wavelength management and signal separation in dense wavelength division multiplexing applications.



  • Low Insertion Loss
  • High Return Loss  
  • High Isolation
  • High Reliability & Stability


  • DWDM Module
  • DWDM System
  • GPON Network
  • CATV Links






 Channel Space




 Center Wavelength


ITU Grid

 Center Wavelength Accuracy




 Max. Insertion Loss at 23℃

Transmission Channel




Reflection Channel





 Min. Isolation at 23℃

Adjacent Channel




Non-adjacent Channel




Reflection Channel




 Max. Channel Flatness



 Min. Extinction Ratio at 23℃



 Max. Wavelength Thermal Stability



 Max. Insertion Loss Thermal Stability



 Min. Return Loss at 23℃



 Max. Power Handling (CW)



 Fiber Type


PM Panda fiber

 Operating Temperature


 Storage Temperature


With connectors, IL is 0.3dB higher, RL is 5dB lower, and ER is 2dB lower.  

Connector key is aligned to slow axis.


Package Dimensions

Ordering Information



- Wavelength:

26=26CH, 27=27CH, ..., 40=40CH, 41=41CH, SS=Specified

- Configuration:

2=1x1, 3=1x2

- Channel Space:

1=100G, 2=200G

- Working Axis:

B=Both axis working, F=Fast axis blocked


- Fiber Type:

001=PM1550, 002=PM1310, SSS=Specified

- Package Dimensions:

0=φ5.5x35mm, S=Specified

- Pigtail Type:

0=bare fiber, 1=900μm loose tube

- Fiber Length:

0.8=0.8m, 1.0=1m, S=Specified


- Connector Type:

0=FC/UPC, 1=FC/APC, 2=SC/UPC, 3=SC/APC, N=None, S=Specified


Q:What is WDM/DWDM/CWDM/Bandpass Filter and what their use for

A:WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing), DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing), CWDM (Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing), and Bandpass Filters are technologies used in the field of fiber-optic communications. They are designed to increase the amount of data that can be transmitted over a single fiber by utilizing different wavelengths (colors) of light. Here's a breakdown of each technology and its use:

WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing):Description: WDM is a technology that combines multiple optical carrier signals on a single optical fiber by using different wavelengths of laser light. This technique enables bidirectional communications over one strand of fiber, as well as multiplication of capacity.

Use: It's used to increase bandwidth over existing fiber networks. WDM systems are divided into two types: DWDM and CWDM.

DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing):Description: DWDM is a version of WDM that uses closely spaced wavelengths. It's called "dense" because the wavelength channels are very narrow and close to each other. DWDM can support up to 80 (and sometimes more) channels and can transmit data rates of 10 Gbps, 40 Gbps, and 100 Gbps per wavelength.

Use: It's primarily used in large-scale telecommunications networks to increase bandwidth and support long-haul transmission. It's capable of carrying large amounts of data across intercontinental distances.

CWDM (Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing):Description: CWDM is a more cost-effective version of WDM. It uses fewer and more widely spaced wavelengths. It typically supports up to 18 channels and doesn't require the expensive cooling systems that DWDM systems do.

Use: It's ideal for short-range communications, so it's used in metropolitan area networks (MANs) where the distances between network nodes are relatively short. It's less expensive than DWDM and used where less capacity is needed.

Bandpass Filter:Description: A bandpass filter is a device that passes frequencies within a certain range and rejects (attenuates) frequencies outside that range. In the context of WDM systems, optical bandpass filters are used to selectively transmit a desired wavelength or a range of wavelengths.

Use: They are used within WDM, DWDM, and CWDM systems to separate or combine different wavelengths of light efficiently. For example, they can extract a single channel from a multi-wavelength signal or combine multiple channels into a single fiber.


In summary, WDM, DWDM, and CWDM are technologies used to multiply the data capacity of fiber-optic cables by carrying multiple channels, each on its own separate light wavelength. Bandpass filters are essential components in these systems, allowing for the precise separation and combination of these channels. These technologies and components enable the high-speed, high-capacity data transmission required by modern telecommunications networks, internet infrastructure, and various data-intensive applications.


Q:What is Transmission Wavelength?
A:Transmission wavelength refers to the distance over which a wave's shape (its form and amplitude) repeats itself in the context of electromagnetic waves, such as those used in radio, television, and data communication. It's a crucial concept in various fields, including telecommunications, physics, and engineering. Here are some key points to understand about transmission wavelength:

1.Definition: The wavelength of a signal is the distance between two consecutive points that are in phase. This means points that have the same displacement and motion relative to a medium, like two consecutive crests or troughs of a wave.

2.Relation to Frequency: Wavelength(λ) is inversely proportional to the frequency(ƒ)of the wave, and this relationship is described by the equation λ=V/ƒ, where V is the speed of the wave through the medium. For electromagnetic waves in a vacuum, V is the speed of light (approximately 3X108meters per second).



The chart above illustrates the relationship between frequency and wavelength for electromagnetic waves, based on the equation λ=c/ƒ, where λ is the wavelength c  is the speed of light, and ƒ is the frequency.


3. Spectrum and Applications: Different wavelengths (and therefore frequencies) are used for different types of communications. For instance:

   - Radio waves can have very long wavelengths (from 1 meter to 1000 meters or more), suitable for broadcasting over long distances.

   - Microwaves have shorter wavelengths and are used for point-to-point communication systems and for satellite communications.

   - Infrared, visible light, and ultraviolet light have even shorter wavelengths and are used in various applications, including fiber-optic communication, where data is transmitted over long distances at high speeds.

4. Bandwidth and Data Capacity: In optical communications (like fiber optics), the transmission wavelength is crucial because different wavelengths can be used simultaneously to carry different signals, a technique known as Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (WDM). This significantly increases the capacity of a system to carry data.

5.Propagation Characteristics: The wavelength of a signal also affects its propagation characteristics, like how it interacts with different materials, how it is absorbed, and how it reflects or refracts. This is why different wavelengths are used for different applications; for example, certain wavelengths are better for underwater communication, while others are better for open-air or space communications.


In summary, the transmission wavelength is a fundamental property of waves that impacts how signals are transmitted, received, and processed in various communication systems. It's closely tied to the frequency of the signal and determines many of the signal's propagation and interaction characteristics.


Q:What is Reflection Wavelength
A:Reflection Wavelength is the specific wavelength or range of wavelengths that are reflected by a medium or device, like a mirror or a filter, while other wavelengths pass through or are absorbed. This property is crucial in optical applications to control and manipulate light paths, enhancing the performance of systems such as sensors, lasers, and communication networks.


Q:What is Channel Bandwidth?

A:Channel bandwidth refers to the range of frequencies that a communication channel can transmit. It is a key concept in telecommunications and signal processing, representing the capacity of a channel to carry information.



The chart above visualizes the concept of channel bandwidth. In this example:The bandwidth of the channel is represented as the range of frequencies between 20 kHz and 40 kHz, giving a total bandwidth of 20 kHz.The area shaded in light blue indicates the range of frequencies that the channel can carry.The signal presence is indicated by the height of the blue area; it's either present (1) or not present (0), representing a simple on/off signal for illustrative purposes.

The concept can be better understood through a few key points:

Frequency Range: Bandwidth is often measured as the difference between the highest and the lowest frequencies in a continuous set of frequencies. For instance, if a channel can carry signals with frequencies from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, its bandwidth is 20 kHz - 20 Hz = 19.98 kHz.

Data Transmission Rate: In digital communications, the bandwidth of a channel is related to the rate of data transmission. According to the Nyquist theorem, the maximum data rate (in bits per second) that can be transmitted over a noiseless channel is twice the bandwidth of the channel (in Hz), assuming each signal change (baud) carries one bit of information.

Signal Processing: In signal processing, bandwidth is the width of the range of frequencies that an electronic signal occupies on a given transmission medium. Different signals (like radio, TV, and internet data) require different bandwidths.

Network Performance: In networking, bandwidth is often used to refer to the capacity of a network connection, though it's technically different from speed. Bandwidth indicates the maximum amount of data that can be transferred over a network path in a fixed amount of time, usually measured in megabits per second (Mbps) or gigabits per second (Gbps).

Bandwidth Limitations: The bandwidth of a channel can be affected by various factors, including the medium's physical properties (like fiber optics vs. copper), signal interference, and the technology used in transmission and reception.


Understanding channel bandwidth is crucial for designing and managing communication systems, as it directly impacts the quantity and quality of information that can be transmitted over a channel.


Q:What does Channel Flatness mean?

A:Channel flatness refers to a measure of how uniformly a communication channel or system transmits different frequencies within a specified bandwidth. It's an important characteristic in many communication systems, especially those dealing with a wide range of frequencies, like RF (radio frequency) communication systems, audio systems, and certain wireless communication technologies.

Here's what you need to know about channel flatness:

Uniformity of Response: Channel flatness is essentially about how consistently a channel or system transmits signals across its entire frequency range. A perfectly flat channel would transmit all frequencies with equal power, meaning the channel does not preferentially attenuate or amplify any frequency within its operational bandwidth.

Measurement and Representation: Channel flatness is usually measured in decibels (dB) and often graphed as a frequency response curve, showing the gain or loss of the system at different frequencies. A completely flat curve would indicate perfect channel flatness.

Impact on Performance: Non-uniformities or peaks and dips in the channel's frequency response can lead to various issues, such as distortion of the signal, unequal signal strength at different frequencies, or certain frequencies being lost or attenuated. In data communication, this can result in data loss or the need for additional error correction and compensation measures.

In Audio Systems: In audio systems, channel flatness is crucial for sound quality. A non-flat response can color the sound, leading to an inaccurate reproduction of the audio signal. For high-fidelity audio systems, a flat response is often desired to ensure that all frequencies are equally represented.

In RF and Wireless Communications: For RF and wireless systems, channel flatness is important for ensuring that all parts of the signal spectrum are transmitted with equal strength. This is particularly important in systems using complex modulation schemes or multiple frequency bands, where non-uniformities can lead to interference or data loss.

Challenges and Compensations: Achieving perfect channel flatness is challenging due to physical limitations, component imperfections, and environmental factors. Therefore, systems often incorporate equalization and filtering techniques to compensate for known non-uniformities in the channel response.


In summary, channel flatness is a measure of the consistency with which a channel transmits different frequencies. It's an important parameter in the design and assessment of many types of communication systems, impacting the fidelity and efficiency of signal transmission.


Q:What does Power Handling (CW) use for
A:Power Handling(CW), in the context of optical components, refers to the maximum continuous optical power that a device can handle or operate under without degrading its performance or reliability. It's essential for ensuring the longevity and stability of optical devices in systems where they are exposed to continuous light sources, such as in telecommunications or laser applications.


Q:What does Transmission Isolation mean?
A:Transmission Isolation in the context of filters (like WDM, DWDM, CWDM) refers to the ability of the filter to prevent or significantly attenuate unwanted wavelengths or signals from passing through while allowing the desired wavelength range to transmit. This ensures that only the targeted signals are transmitted, enhancing the clarity and quality of the communication channel or system.

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