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780-1080nm大功率法拉第旋转器(最高20W) | 瑆创光学电子商店


Simtrum's high-power Faraday Rotator (780-1080nm, up to 20W), offering low insertion loss, high return loss, excellent reliability, and stability. It's used in fiber optic instruments, sensors, lasers, and coherent detecting. Key features include multiple center wavelength options, specified maximum power handling, and operation within a broad temperature range. The device ensures precision with low polarization mode dispersion and high extinction ratio.



  • Low Insertion
  • Loss  High Return Loss
  • High Reliabilit
  • High Stability


  • Fiber Optic Instruments  
  • Fiber Sensors
  • Fiber Lasers  
  • Coherent Detecting





 Center Wavelength


1064, 1030, 980, 850, 808, 780

 Operating Wavelength Width



 Max. Insertion Loss at 23



 Faraday Rotation Angle for CWL



 Max. Rotation Angle Tolerance at 23 for CWL



 Min. Extinction Ratio at 23 (PM Fiber Type)



 Max. Polarization Dependent Loss at 23 (SM Fiber Type)



 Max. Polarization Mode Dispersion



 Max. Power Handling (CW)


0.5, 1, 5, 10, 20 or Specified

 Max. Peak Power for ns Pulse


10 or Specified

 Package Dimension



 Max. Tensile Load



 Axis Alignment


Both axis working

 Operating Temperature


 Storage Temperature


With connectors, the Max. handling power is 1W only, IL is 0.3dB higher, RL is 5dB lower, and ER is 2dB lower.  

Connector key is aligned to slow axis.



Package Dimensions


Ordering Information

STHPMFR-①①①①-②②②-③④-⑤-⑥⑥-⑦⑦⑧⑧ (PM Fiber Type)

ST  HPIFR-①①①①-②②②-③④-⑤-⑥⑥-⑦⑦⑧⑧ (SM Fiber Type)


- Wavelength:

1064=1064nm, 1030=1030nm, 980=980nm, 780=780nm, SSSS=Specified


- Fiber Type:

003=PM980, 004=HI1060, 018=PM 10/125DCF, SSS=Specified

- Package Dimensions:

0=64x28x26mm, S=Specified

- Pigtail Type:

0=bare fiber, 1=900μm loose tube

- Fiber Length:

0.8=0.8m, 1.0=1m, S=Specified


- Connector Type:

0=FC/UPC, 1=FC/APC, 2=SC/UPC, 3=SC/APC, N=None, S=Specified


- Average Power:

00=500mW, 01=1W, 05=5W, 10=10W, SS=Specified


- Peak Power:

00=Continuous Wave, 01=1kW, 02=2kW, 10=10kW, SS=Specified


Q:What is Faraday Rotator and its use for?

A: Faraday Rotator is an optical device that utilizes the Faraday effect to rotate the polarization plane of light. The Faraday effect, a phenomenon discovered by Michael Faraday, involves the rotation of light's polarization plane when light travels through a material and is subjected to a magnetic field in the direction of propagation.

Here's how a Faraday Rotator works and its uses:

How it Works:

Material with Verdet Constant: The Faraday Rotator typically consists of a piece of material known as a Faraday medium (like flint glass or certain types of garnet), which has a high Verdet constant—a measure of the material's effectiveness in rotating the polarization of light in the presence of a magnetic field.

Application of Magnetic Field: When light passes through this material, and a magnetic field is applied in the direction of the light propagation, the plane of polarization of the light is rotated. The angle of rotation is proportional to the strength of the magnetic field and the length of the path through the material.

Non-reciprocal Rotation: A crucial aspect of the Faraday Rotator is that the rotation of the polarization is non-reciprocal. This means that if the light passes through the material in the opposite direction, the polarization plane rotates in the same direction, not the opposite. This property is fundamental to many of its applications.


Isolators in Laser Systems: One of the primary uses of Faraday Rotators is in optical isolators, which allow light to pass in one direction while blocking it in the opposite direction. This is crucial in laser systems to protect the laser from destabilizing feedback and reflected light, which can damage the laser or degrade its performance.

Optical Circulators: Faraday Rotators can be used in devices like optical circulators, which direct light sequentially from one port to another in a unidirectional manner. This is useful in fiber optic communication systems.

Measurement and Sensing: The sensitivity of Faraday Rotators to magnetic fields makes them useful in measuring the strength and direction of magnetic fields, such as in magneto-optical sensors.

Quantum Computing and Cryptography: The non-reciprocal nature of Faraday Rotators is beneficial in certain quantum computing and quantum cryptography setups, where controlling the direction and state of photons is crucial.

The unique properties of Faraday Rotators, especially their non-reciprocal polarization rotation, make them vital components in advanced optical systems, ensuring efficient operation and protection of sensitive components.


Q:What does Insertion loss mean?

A:Insertion loss refers to the loss of signal power resulting from the insertion of a device in a transmission line or optical fiber and is usually expressed in decibels (dB). When a signal passes through any electronic device or a transmission medium, some of its power is lost due to various reasons like absorption, scattering, reflection, and material imperfections.

In the context of electronics and signal processing, insertion loss measures how much the signal has weakened after passing through a filter, cable, connector, or other network component. A lower insertion loss implies that the device has a better performance, meaning it allows more of the signal to pass through with less attenuation.

In the context of optical fibers and systems, insertion loss can refer to the loss of signal power resulting from the insertion of components such as connectors, splices, and fiber length.

It's important in system design and testing to ensure that the total insertion loss does not exceed a certain level to maintain the quality and integrity of the signal or to meet power budget requirements.


Q:What is Extinction Ratio?

A:The Extinction Ratio is a term commonly used in the fields of optics and telecommunications, especially when discussing the performance of optical components like modulators and switches, as well as in fiber optic communications. It is a measure of the effectiveness of a device in distinguishing between its "on" (light) and "off" (dark) states. Here's a more detailed explanation:

1. In Optical Communications: Extinction Ratio pertains to the ratio of the optical power output when the light source is on (Pon) to the optical power output when the light source is off (Poff). It's usually expressed in decibels (dB) and can be calculated using the formula:

A higher extinction ratio indicates a clearer distinction between the on and off states, leading to less ambiguity in signal interpretation, reduced error rates, and overall better performance in digital communication systems.

2. In Optical Components: For components like modulators, which are used to encode information onto a light beam, the extinction ratio measures the contrast between the maximum and minimum optical power levels (representing digital '1' and '0', respectively). In this context, a high extinction ratio is crucial for maintaining signal integrity, as it ensures that the '1's and '0's are distinctly recognizable by the receiving end of the communication system.

3. Importance in System Performance: The extinction ratio is an important parameter in digital optical communication systems because it affects the bit error rate (BER). A low extinction ratio can lead to higher bit error rates as the receiver might find it difficult to distinguish between the '1' and '0' states. Therefore, maintaining a high extinction ratio is essential for the reliability and efficiency of optical communication systems.


In summary, the extinction ratio is a key performance metric in optical systems, indicating the ability of a device to clearly differentiate between its on and off states, which is crucial for the accuracy and reliability of data transmission in fiber optic networks.


Q:What is Rotation Angle Tolerance?

A:Rotation Angle Tolerance is a term commonly used in various fields like manufacturing, engineering, and computer vision to describe the acceptable range of angular deviation from a specified orientation. It defines how much an object, component, or feature can rotate from its intended position before it is considered out of specification or unacceptable. Here's a bit more detail depending on the context:

Manufacturing and Engineering:

In manufacturing, parts are often designed to fit together in a very specific orientation. The Rotation Angle Tolerance would specify the allowable range of rotation for a part about its axis. If a part rotates more than the specified tolerance, it might not fit correctly with other components, leading to assembly issues or functional failures.

Computer Vision and Image Processing:

In these fields, Rotation Angle Tolerance might refer to the degree of rotation an algorithm or system can handle when identifying, matching, or tracking objects in images or video feeds. For example, a facial recognition system might have a Rotation Angle Tolerance of ±15 degrees, meaning it can correctly identify faces that are tilted up to 15 degrees from the vertical


Q:What does Polarization Mode Dispersion mean?

A:Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) is a phenomenon in fiber-optic communications that can cause distortion and degradation of the signal. It arises due to the intrinsic imperfections and asymmetries in the optical fibers, which result in different polarization modes (orientations of the electromagnetic waves) traveling at slightly different speeds.

Here's a breakdown of PMD and its implications:

Dual Polarization Nature of Light: Light in fiber optics can be polarized in two perpendicular orientations. In an ideal world, these two polarizations would travel at the same speed. However, due to imperfections in the fiber, this isn't always the case.

Differential Group Delay (DGD): Because of these imperfections, the two polarization modes can propagate at slightly different velocities. This difference in velocities leads to what's called Differential Group Delay (DGD), where one polarization mode arrives slightly before the other. DGD is the primary measure of PMD and is typically expressed in picoseconds.

Impact on Signal Quality:

Broadening of Pulses: In high-speed data transmission, information is sent in very short pulses of light. PMD can cause these pulses to spread out and overlap, making it hard for the receiver to distinguish between them. This effect is more pronounced as data rates increase, making PMD a significant issue for high-speed networks.

Time-Varying: PMD isn't a static phenomenon. Changes in temperature, physical stress on the fiber, or even the passage of time can change the characteristics of PMD in a system, making it a challenging problem to compensate for.

Mitigation and Compensation: Given its potential to impair data transmission, especially in high-speed networks, various techniques are employed to mitigate PMD. These include manufacturing better-quality fibers with less PMD, using PMD compensation devices, and sophisticated signal processing techniques.

PMD is a critical parameter in the design and operation of fiber-optic communication systems, especially as the demand for high-speed data transmission continues to grow.


Q:What is Axis Alignment?

A:Axis alignment generally refers to the process of adjusting or orienting an object, system, or components so that their axes are in a specified position relative to each other or to a reference.

Axis alignment is a critical procedure in many technical and engineering fields. Proper alignment ensures that systems operate correctly, efficiently, and safely, and it often requires precise measurement and adjustment tools.

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