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780-2050nm 光纤起偏器 | 瑆创光学电子商店

780-2050nm 光纤起偏器


780-2050nm In-line Polarizer from Simtrum, noted for its low insertion loss and high return and extinction ratios. It's tailored for stability and reliability in communication systems, instruments, and research, offering detailed performance metrics and customization for specific wavelength and fiber type requirements.



  • Low Insertion Loss  
  • High Return Loss  
  • High Extinction Ratio  
  • High Reliability
  • High Stability


  • Communication
  • Systems  Test
  • Instrument
  • Fiber
  • Sensor  
  • Research






 Center Wavelength









 Operating Wavelength Range









 Typ. Insertion Loss at 23℃









 Max. Insertion Loss at 23℃









 Typ. Extinction Ratio at 23℃









 Min. Extinction Ratio at 23℃









 Min. Return Loss



 Fiber Type for Input & Output


SM→SM or SM→PM or PM →PM

 Max. Optical Power (CW)



 Max. Tensile Load



 Operating Temperature


 Storage Temperature


With connectors, IL is 0.3dB higher, RL is 5dB lower, and ER is 2dB lower.  Connector key is aligned to slow axis.



Package Dimensions

Ordering Information




- Wavelength:

2000=2000nm, 1550=1550nm, 1064=1064nm, 980=980nm, SSSS=Specified

- Fiber Type Option:

1=SM→SM, 2=SM→PM, 3=PM→PM

- Working Axis:

F=Fast axis blocked, N=Non-PM


- Fiber Type for Input:

001=PM1550, 003=PM980, 004=Hi1060, 045=PM1950, SSS=Specified


- Fiber Type for Output:

001=PM1550, 003=PM980, 004=Hi1060, 045=PM1950, SSS=Specified

- Package Dimensions:

0=φ5.5x35mm, S=Specified

- Pigtail Type:

0=bare fiber, 1=900μm loose tube, S=Specified

- Fiber Length:

0.8=0.8m, 1.0=1m, S=Specified

- Connector Type for Input:

0=FC/UPC, 1=FC/APC, 2=SC/UPC, 3=SC/APC, N=None, S=Specified

- Connector Type for Output:

0=FC/UPC, 1=FC/APC, 2=SC/UPC, 3=SC/APC, N=None, S=Specified


Q:What is In-line Polarizer and its Applications?
A:An In-line Polarizer is a fiber optic device that selectively transmits light of a specific polarization, effectively filtering out other polarizations. It's widely used in various fields: in telecommunications to reduce signal degradation, in fiber optic sensors to improve accuracy by minimizing noise, and in scientific research to precisely control and study the properties of light. This ensures enhanced performance and reliability of optical systems in these applications.


Q:What is Polarization Beam Splitter and Polarization Beam Combiner and their Applications?
A: Polarization Beam Splitter (PBS) divides light into beams with distinct polarizations, while a Polarization Beam Combiner (PBC) merges them into one beam. They're crucial in telecommunications for signal processing, in sensors for enhanced data accuracy, and in research for experiments needing precise polarization control. These devices optimize system performance by ensuring the proper manipulation of light polarization in various optical applications.


Q:Which parameters to focus on Polarization Beam Splitter and Polarization Beam Combiner

A:Polarization Beam Splitters and Combiners, focus on insertion loss, extinction ratio, return loss, and wavelength range.

These parameters determine the device's efficiency, signal quality, and compatibility with different optical systems, guiding you to select the most suitable device for your specific application.


Q:What does Operating Wavelength Range do

A:The Operating Wavelength Range of a device or system, especially in the context of optical and photonic systems, refers to the range of wavelengths over which the device or system can effectively operate or perform its function with acceptable efficiency and performance. This term is crucial in various fields, including telecommunications, fiber optics, laser systems.

1. Fiber Optic Communications: In fiber optics, the operating wavelength range specifies the range of light wavelengths over which the fiber exhibits acceptable signal attenuation and dispersion characteristics. This is vital because certain types of optical fiber are optimized for specific wavelength ranges, such as the 1550 nm range for long-distance communication in single-mode fibers.

2. Optical Filters and Coatings: For optical filters (like bandpass, longpass, shortpass) and coatings (like anti-reflective coatings), the operating wavelength range indicates the range of wavelengths over which the filter or coating meets its specified performance. For instance, a bandpass filter might be designed to transmit light only within a narrow wavelength range while blocking or reflecting wavelengths outside that range.

3. Laser Systems: Lasers have a specific operating wavelength range that indicates the range of wavelengths they can emit. This range is determined by the laser medium (like Nd:YAG, CO2, or semiconductor materials) and the laser cavity design. The operating wavelength is crucial for applications like cutting, engraving, medical treatments, and scientific research.

4. Sensors and Detectors: For sensors and detectors, the operating wavelength range specifies the range of wavelengths the device can detect or measure effectively. For instance, some photodetectors are designed to be sensitive to a specific portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, such as infrared, visible, or ultraviolet light.

Q:What does Insertion loss mean?

A:Insertion loss refers to the loss of signal power resulting from the insertion of a device in a transmission line or optical fiber and is usually expressed in decibels (dB). When a signal passes through any electronic device or a transmission medium, some of its power is lost due to various reasons like absorption, scattering, reflection, and material imperfections.

In the context of electronics and signal processing, insertion loss measures how much the signal has weakened after passing through a filter, cable, connector, or other network component. A lower insertion loss implies that the device has a better performance, meaning it allows more of the signal to pass through with less attenuation.

In the context of optical fibers and systems, insertion loss can refer to the loss of signal power resulting from the insertion of components such as connectors, splices, and fiber length.

It's important in system design and testing to ensure that the total insertion loss does not exceed a certain level to maintain the quality and integrity of the signal or to meet power budget requirements.


Q:What is Extinction Ratio?
A:The Extinction Ratio is a term commonly used in the fields of optics and telecommunications, especially when discussing the performance of optical components like modulators and switches, as well as in fiber optic communications. It is a measure of the effectiveness of a device in distinguishing between its "on" (light) and "off" (dark) states. Here's a more detailed explanation:

1. In Optical Communications: Extinction Ratio pertains to the ratio of the optical power output when the light source is on (Pon) to the optical power output when the light source is off (Poff). It's usually expressed in decibels (dB) and can be calculated using the formula:

A higher extinction ratio indicates a clearer distinction between the on and off states, leading to less ambiguity in signal interpretation, reduced error rates, and overall better performance in digital communication systems.

2. In Optical Components: For components like modulators, which are used to encode information onto a light beam, the extinction ratio measures the contrast between the maximum and minimum optical power levels (representing digital '1' and '0', respectively). In this context, a high extinction ratio is crucial for maintaining signal integrity, as it ensures that the '1's and '0's are distinctly recognizable by the receiving end of the communication system.

3. Importance in System Performance: The extinction ratio is an important parameter in digital optical communication systems because it affects the bit error rate (BER). A low extinction ratio can lead to higher bit error rates as the receiver might find it difficult to distinguish between the '1' and '0' states. Therefore, maintaining a high extinction ratio is essential for the reliability and efficiency of optical communication systems.

In summary, the extinction ratio is a key performance metric in optical systems, indicating the ability of a device to clearly differentiate between its on and off states, which is crucial for the accuracy and reliability of data transmission in fiber optic networks.


Q:What is Return Loss (input/output)?

A:Return Loss, in the context of telecommunications and signal transmission, refers to the measure of power reflected or lost when a signal is transmitted into a device or transmission line. It's a parameter used to describe how well a device or a line is matched to the source impedance. Return Loss can be considered for both input and output of a device:

1. Input Return Loss: This refers to the power that is reflected back towards the source when a signal encounters a device or a transmission line. This reflection usually occurs due to impedance mismatches at the input of the device or line. A high Input Return Loss value is desirable as it indicates a low amount of power is being reflected and, consequently, a better impedance match.

2. Output Return Loss: Similarly, this refers to the power that is reflected back into a device or transmission line at its output. It's an indication of how well the output of the device or line is matched to the load impedance it's driving. As with Input Return Loss, a higher Output Return Loss value is preferable as it signifies a low level of reflected power and a good impedance match.

Return Loss is usually expressed in decibels (dB) and can be calculated using the formula:

or, equivalently,

Here, Pincident is the power of the incident (incoming) signal, and Preflected is the power of the signal that is reflected back.

A few key points about Return Loss:

- A higher Return Loss value indicates a better match and less signal reflection. For example, a Return Loss of 20 dB is better than 10 dB.

- In systems where maintaining signal integrity is crucial (like high-frequency communication systems), achieving a high Return Loss is important to minimize signal degradation due to reflections.

- Return Loss is related to another parameter called Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR), which is also used to measure impedance mismatches and signal reflections.

Understanding and optimizing Return Loss is essential in the design and operation of various electronic systems, particularly in telecommunications and signal transmission, to ensure efficient power transfer and minimal signal degradation.


Q:What is Tensile Load

A:ensile Load refers to the force or load that is applied to a material or structure in a way that tends to stretch or elongate it. This concept is fundamental in the field of materials science and structural engineering, where understanding how materials behave under different types of loads is crucial for design and safety.


Q:What does Polarization Dependent Loss mean?

A:Polarization Dependent Loss (PDL) is a key parameter in the field of optics, particularly in fiber optic communications and photonic systems. It refers to the variation in the loss of a light signal due to the polarization state of the light. In essence, PDL measures the difference in transmission loss between the most and the least transmitted polarization states through an optical component or a fiber.

Here's a breakdown of the concept:

1. Polarization of Light: Light is an electromagnetic wave, and polarization describes the orientation of the electric field vector of the light wave. In fiber optics, light can have different polarization states, such as linear, circular, or elliptical polarization.

2. Dependence of Loss on Polarization: Ideally, an optical component (like a fiber, coupler, or filter) should treat all polarization states the same. However, imperfections, asymmetries, or design specifics can lead to different losses for different polarization states. This discrepancy is what we refer to as Polarization Dependent Loss.

3. Impact in Optical Systems: PDL is particularly significant in systems where the polarization state can vary or is not well controlled. High PDL can lead to signal degradation, especially in systems that rely on consistent transmission characteristics, such as dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) systems.

4. Quantifying PDL: PDL is typically expressed in decibels (dB) and is calculated as the difference in transmission loss between the polarization state that experiences the highest loss and the state that experiences the lowest loss:

where Lmax is the loss at the polarization state with the maximum loss, and Lmin is the loss at the polarization state with the minimum loss.

5. Managing PDL: In high-performance optical systems, managing and minimizing PDL is crucial. This can involve careful component selection, precise control of the manufacturing process, and the use of polarization-maintaining fibers or polarization diversity schemes.

In summary, PDL is an important factor in the performance of optical systems. It indicates how sensitive an optical component or system is to the polarization state of the light, and a high PDL can adversely affect system performance, especially in applications requiring high precision or in systems where the state of polarization can vary unpredictably.


Q:What the Polarization Beam Splitter and Polarization Beam Combiner's Fiber Type Port 1,2,3mean?
A:Ports 1, 2, and 3 in Polarization Beam Splitters and Combiners typically refer to the input and output fiber connections. Port 1 might be where the input light enters, while Ports 2 and 3 could be where the split polarized light beams exit or vice versa. These ports are integral to the functionality of the device, ensuring the correct routing and manipulation of light for various applications in optical systems.

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