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便携式分光光度计(380-850nm) | 瑆创光学电子商店



- Mobile Light-Transmission and Haze Meter for Thin and Flat Samples

- Fast and precise because of spectral monitor and luminance detector

- Spectral measurement (380 nm bis 780 nm)

- Automatic ambient light compensation

- Alignment camera

- CIE 130 & DIN 5036 compliant, Haze according to ASTM D1003−13, Simulated A, C and D65.


Light transmission

Light transmission is the visually sensed light permeability of materials. It is particularly important when it comes to specification of window panes on all types of vehicles, display sheets and disks as well as all the other samples whose transmission is assessed with the photometric responsivity (V(λ)) of the human eye.

Light transmission is a relative measurement. It describes the signal difference of the measured luminance in a geometrically defined radiation beam path. The measurements are done both without a test sample (100%) and with a test sample. The light source of the measurement device is characterized by a spectrum that corresponds to the standard illuminant type A, C or D50. The spectral responsivity of the receiver matches that of the human eye.

LCRT-2005H-S measurement device

The LCRT-2005H-S is elaborately designed for light transmission measurement of thin, scratched and clear samples. The d/0° measurement geometry comprises of an integrating sphere light source and a luminance measurement device. The monitor detector of the light source and that of the receiver are both equipped with a diode array spectrometer. The spectral measurement data enables precise simulation of the required standard source spectra and the photometric responsivity spectrum of the receiver. The sample is aligned in front of the light source for measurement. The degree of light transmission can thus be determined through diffuse sample illumination for thin scratched samples as well. A manually selected light trap is implemented for haze measurements. Multiple LEDs are used in order to cover a spectral range of 380 nm to 780 nm.

The integrating sphere light source is well guarded against shock and stains by its synthetic coating, LED lamps and the protective glass on the illumination field. In order to minimize any effects by ambient light, the measurement is performed using pulsed light. The device is also equipped with a camera to aid in alignment of the source and receiver for freehand measurements. The device can be powered using four AA batteries or via USB. A hard-top casing is also supplied for safe storage and transport of the device as well as its spare batteries and accessories.

LCRT-2005H-S haze measurement device

The LCRT-2005H-S incorporates a manually selected light trap that allows the measurement of haze according to ASTM D1003 − 13. The meter supports the measurement by intuitive display commands.

LCRT-2005H-S spectrophotometer

The LCRT-2005H-S can also be used as a spectrophotometer due to its spectral measurement detectors in source and receiver. The spectral range is between 380 nm and 780 nm.

Fast and simple freehand measurements

One of the characteristic properties of the LCRT-2005H-S is its ability to easily perform a quick measurement in only a couple of seconds to minutes:


1) Connection of the source and receiver to the controller device

2) 100% adjustment measurement

3) Alignment to the test sample

4) Start of the measurement

5) Display of the measurement values


1) Connection of the source and receiver to the controller device

2) 100% adjustment measurement with and without light trap

3) Alignment to the test sample

4) Start of the measurements (with and without light trap)

5) Display of the measurement values

USB interface with readout software

The USB interface enables data readout and power supply. The software delivered with the device can be used for measurement data readout.

Traceable measurements

Two transmission standards with 70% and 80% light transmittance are offered for device matching in applications where traceable measurement values are required.

PIC 1.jpg

Measurement Geometry: 100% setup, no light trap 

(light trap insert for haze measurement)

PIC 2.jpg

Measurement geometry for thin, non-scattering samples

PIC 3.jpg

Measurement geometry for thin, scattering samples

PIC 4.jpg

Freehand light transmission measurement: 1) 100% adjustment  

2) sample alignment (DUT)  3) automatic measurement start upon setup, 

4) Display of the measurement values


- Light-transmission hand-held meter for thin and flat samples

- Fast and precise because of spectral monitor and luminance detector

- Spectral measurement

- Automatic ambient light compensation

- Alignment camera

- ECE R43 compliant. Simulated A, C and D65.


Light transmission

Light transmission is the visually sensed light permeability of materials. It is particularly important when it comes to specification of window panes on all types of vehicles, display sheets and disks as well as all the other samples whose transmission is assessed with the photometric responsivity (V(λ)) of the human eye.

Light transmission measurement

Light transmission is a relative measurand. It describes the signal difference of the measured luminance in a geometrically defined radiation beam path. The measurements are done both without a test sample (100%) and with a test sample. The light source of the measurement device must be characterized by a spectrum that corresponds to the standard illuminant type A, C or D50. The spectral responsivity of the receiver must match that of the human eye. These properties allow ECE R43 conform measurements.

LCRT-2005-S light transmission measurement device

The LCRT-2005-S is elaborately designed for light transmission measurement of thin, scratched and clear samples. The D/O measurement geometry comprises of an integrating sphere light source and a luminance measurement device. The monitor detector of the light source and that of the receiver are equipped with a diode array. The spectral measurement data enables precise simulation of the standard light spectra and the photometric responsivity spectrum of the receiver. The sample is aligned in front of the light source for measurement. The degree of light transmission can thus be determined through diffuse sample illumination for thin scratched samples as well.

LCRT-2005-S spectrophotometer

The LCRT-2005-S can also be used as a spectrophotometer due to its spectral measurement detectors in source and receiver. The spectral range is between 425 and 705nm.

Measurement device for freehand measurements

The integrating sphere light source is well guarded against shock and stains by its synthetic coating, LED lamps and the protective glass on the illumination field. In order to minimize any effects by ambient light, the measurement is performed using pulsed light. The device is also equipped with a camera to aid in alignment of the source and receiver for freehand measurements. The device can be powered using four AA batteries or via USB. A hard-top casing is also supplied for safe storage and transport of the device as well as its spare batteries and accessories.

Fast and simple freehand measurements

One of the characteristic properties of the LCRT-2005-S is its ability to easily perform a quick measurement in only a couple of minutes:

1) Connection of the source and receiver to the controller device

2) 100% adjustment measurement

3) Alignment to the test sample

4) Automatic start of the measurement

5) Display of the measurement values

USB interface with readout software

The USB interface enables data readout and power supply. The software delivered with the device can be used for measurement data readout.

Traceable measurements

Two transmission standards with 70% and 80% light transmittance are offered for device matching in applications where traceable measurement values are required.

PIC 1 lc2005s-2__ScaleMaxWidthWzUwMF0.jpg

Measurement geometry: 100% setup

PIC 2 lc2005s-3__ScaleMaxWidthWzUwMF0.jpg

 Measurement geometry for thin, non-scattering samples

PIC 3 lc2005s-4__ScaleMaxWidthWzUwMF0.jpg

Measurement geometry for thin, scattering samples

PIC 4 lc2005s-5__ScaleMaxWidthWzUwMF0.jpg

Freehand light transmission measurement: 1) 100% adjustment 

2) sample alignment (DUT) 3) automatic measurement start upon 

setup, 4) Display of the measurement values


- Light and 850 nm transmission hand-held meter for thin and flat samples

- Fast and precise because of spectral monitor and luminance detector

- Automatic ambient light compensation

- Alignment camera

- ECE R43 compliant

- A, C, D65 and 850nm light


Light transmission and spectral transmission

Light transmission is the visually sensed light permeability of materials. NIR transmission is a physical measurand without actinic effect on the measurement values. Light transmission is particularly important when it comes to specification of window panes on all types of vehicles and buildings whose transmission is assessed with the photometric responsivity (V(λ)) of the human eye. In connection with thermal insulation screens, solar cell windows transmission in the NIR spectral range can also be of great importance.

Transmission and light transmission measurement

Transmission is a relative measurand. It describes the signal difference of the measured luminous intensity in a geometrically defined radiation beam. The measurements are done both without a test sample (100%) and with a test sample.

LCRT-2005-S+850 light transmission measurement device

The LCRT-2005-S+850 is elaborately designed for light transmission measurement of thin, scratched and clear samples. The D/O measurement geometry comprises of an integrating sphere light source and a luminance measurement device. The monitor detector of the light source and that of the receiver are equipped with a diode array. The spectral measurement data enables precise simulation of the standard light spectra and the photometric responsivity spectrum of the receiver. The sample is aligned in front of the light source for measurement. The transmittance can thus be determined through diffuse sample illumination also for thin diffuse scattering samples.

LCRT-2005-S+850 spectrophotometer

The LCRT-2005-S+850 can also be used as a spectrophotometer due to its spectral measurement detectors in source and receiver. The spectral range is between 425 nm and 705 nm. An extra NIR LED in the light source and a silicon photodiode in the receiver make it possible to measure the transmission at 850 nm.

Measurement device for freehand measurements

The integrating sphere light source is well guarded against shock and stains by its synthetic coating, LED lamps and the protective glass on the illumination field. In order to minimize any effects by ambient light, the measurement is performed using pulsed light. The device is also equipped with a camera to aid in alignment of the source and receiver for freehand measurements. The device can be powered using four AA batteries or via USB. A hard-top casing is also supplied for safe storage and transport of the device as well as its spare batteries and accessories.

Fast and safe freehand measurements

One of the characteristic properties of the LCRT-2005-S+850 is its ability to easily perform fast measurement in only a couple of minutes:

1) Connection of the source and receiver

2) 100% matching

3) Alignment to the test sample

4) Automatic start of the measurement

5) Display of the measurement values

USB interface with readout software

The USB interface enables data readout and power supply. The software delivered with the device can be used for measurement data readout.

PIC 1 lc20058-2__ScaleMaxWidthWzUwMF0.jpg

Typical spectral transmission of a float glass pane with characteristic 

NIR absorbance effected by iron oxide together with the spectral 

measurement range of the LCRT-2005-S+850

PIC 2 lc20058-3__ScaleMaxWidthWzUwMF0.jpg

Freehand light transmission measurement: 1) 100% matching 

2) sample alignment (DUT) 3) automatic measurement start upon 

setup, 4) Display of the measurement values

Product Code


 (380 nm to 780 nm)


 (425 nm to 705 nm)


 (425 nm to 705 nm + 850 nm)

GeneralProduct Brochure Link 
Product Brochure Link Product Brochure Link 
Short DescriptionMobile measuring Instrument for light transmission and haze measurement.Mobile measuring Instrument for light transmission.Mobile measuring Instrument for light transmission and spectral transmission at 850 nm. 
Main FeaturesSpectral measuring method. Compact source and receiver. Build in camera for receiver to source alignment support. Controller with battery (four AA) or USB power operation. Puls modulated LED lamp for measurements in ambient light conditions. Spectral measuring method. Additional NIR LED at 850 nm. Compact source and receiver. Build in camera for receiver to source alignment support. Controller with battery (four AA) or USB power operation. Puls modulated LED lamp for measurements in ambient light conditions. 
Measurement Range
Spectral Range: 380 nm to 780 nm425 nm to 705 nm425 nm to 705 nm and at 850 nm
Spectral Resolution:5 nm 5 nm (405 nm to 705 nm), NIR LED (850 nm)
Transmission Range:5 % to 100 %
Measurement Beam Diameter:6.6 mm to contact measurement
Illumination:A, C, D65
Detection: Spectral Photometric, Spectral Radiometric
Typical Applications Measurement of the light Transmission and Haze of automotive and all other vehicles front and side windows. Measurement of the spectral transmission of thin films and thin plates.Measurement of the light lransmission of automotive and all other vehicles front and side windows. Measurement of the spectral transmission of thin films and thin plates. Measurement of the visible spectral transmission and NIR transmission at 850 nm of glas with iron oxide absorbance in the longer wavelength range e.g. in solar cell protection windwos.  
CalibrationRealative measurement methode with 100 % reference adjustment.
Measurement GeometryD/0 geometry; measurement of the luminance ratio with a diffuse light source as per CIE 130 & DIN 5036. Haze measurement according to ASTM D1003−13D/0 geometry; measurement of the luminance ratio with a diffuse light source as per CIE 130 & DIN 5036.
Light SourceBlue, White and NIR LEDs in pulse mode, usable wavelength range: 380 nm to 780 nmIntegrating sphere light source with a 20 mm illumination field; LED lamps; diode array monitor detector.Simulation of the standard illuminants type A, D65 and D50. White LEDs in pulse mode, usable wavelength range: 425 nm to 705 nm
Monitor Detectorarray spectrometer based on a 256 pixel diode
ConnectorLength 1.5m; Mini DIN plug; RS232 and voltage supply
HousingAluminium profile with plastic caps. Threaded bores for mounting.
Dimensions160 mm x 45 (75) mm x 85 mm160 mm x 45 (60) mm x 85 mm
SensorDiode array spectrometer with an achromatically corrected lens. Implemented depolarizer for measurement of polarized samples.256 pixel diode array spectrometer with an achromatically corrected lens. Implemented depolarizer for measurement of polarized samples.
Measurement Beam GeometryMeasurement field angle - 0.38 °

Sample alignment 0 °

illumination field diameter by contact measurement - 6.6 mm, in 1 m measurement distance 12.6 mm

Dimensions160 mm x 45 mm x 85 mm
Source and Eeceiver ConnectorTwo mini DIN plug connections
DisplayMonochromatic display with backlight that can be switched on/off
Parameter Adjustment

4 x AA batteries

alternative 4 x AA batteries with external charger


Dimensions230 mm x 72 (115) mm x 35 (50) mm
Temperature Range10 °C to 40 °C
HumidityAbove the saturation temperature

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Compare Model Drawings & Specs Availability Reference Price
Portable Spectrophotometer, spectral wavelength 380 to 780nm, transmission measurement range (5-100)%, D/0 geometry 6.6 mm Ø, Haze according ASTM D1003−13
4-6 Weeks Request for quote
Portable Spectrophotometer, spectral range 425 to 705 nm, transmission measurement range (5-100)%,D/0 geometry 6.6 mm Ø
4-6 Weeks Request for quote
Portable Spectrophotometer, spectral wavelength 425 to 705nm + 850 nm, transmission measurement range (5-100)%, D/0 geometry 6.6 mm Ø
4-6 Weeks Request for quote

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