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49954 Filter Set

49954, Raman Spectroscopy Filter Set, Raman 633nm Laser Longpass Set

MODEL:49954 Filter Set

$1600.00 4-6 Weeks Drawings

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* The prices are indicative only. Please contact us for an official quote. This is single product page, for detail specification please refer to product main page

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RT633rdc,Dichroic mirror,Wavelength 633 nm,Raman Laser Longpass Set
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RT488rdc,Dichroic mirror,Wavelength 488 nm,Raman Laser Longpass Set
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RT532rdc,Dichroic mirror,Wavelength 532 nm,Raman Laser Longpass Set
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RT266rdc,Dichroic mirror,Wavelength 266 nm,Raman Laser Longpass Set
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Compare Model Drawings & Specs Availability Reference Price


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Raman 266nm Laser Longpass Set

RT266rdc | RET270lp RET266/3x

Dedicated Filter set for Raman spectroscopy. The ultra-steep 266nm laser dichroic mirror perfectly matches the ultra-steep longpass emission filter which blocks the 266nm laser.  Set includes the narrow-band 266nm laser clean-up filter.


Raman 488nm Laser Longpass Set

RT488rdc | RET493lp | RET488/4x

Dedicated Filter set for Raman spectroscopy. The ultra-steep 488nm laser dichroic mirror perfectly matches the ultra-steep longpass emission filter which blocks the 488nm laser.  Set includes the narrow-band 488nm laser clean-up filter.


Raman 532nm Laser Longpass Set

RT532rdc | RET537lp | RET532/4x

Dedicated Filter set for Raman spectroscopy. The ultra-steep 532nm laser dichroic mirror perfectly matches the ultra-steep longpass emission filter which blocks the 532nm laser.  Set includes the narrow-band 532nm laser clean-up filter.


Raman 633nm Laser Longpass Set

RT633rdc | RET638lp | RET633/5x

Dedicated Filter set for Raman spectroscopy. The ultra-steep 633nm laser dichroic mirror perfectly matches the ultra-steep longpass emission filter which blocks the 633nm laser.  Set includes the narrow-band 633nm laser clean-up filter.


Raman 785nm Laser Longpass Set

RT785rdc| RET792lp | RET785/6x

Dedicated Filter set for Raman spectroscopy. The ultra-steep 785nm laser dichroic mirror perfectly matches the ultra-steep longpass  emission filter which blocks the 785nm laser.  Set includes the narrow-band 785nm laser clean-up filter.


Raman 1064nm Laser Longpass Set

RT1064rdc | RET1072lp | RET1064/7x

Dedicated Filter set for Raman spectroscopy. The ultra-steep 1064nm laser dichroic mirror perfectly matches the ultra-steep longpass emission filter which blocks the 1064nm laser.  Set includes the narrow-band 1064nm laser clean-up filter.

*Note Prices do not include any shipping, tax or customs clearance charges

RT1064rdc - Parameter

RT785rdc - Parameter

RT633rdc - Parameter

RT488rdc - Parameter

RT532rdc - Parameter

RT266rdc - Parameter

49950 Filter Set - Parameter

49955 Filter Set - Parameter

49954 Filter Set - Parameter

49953 Filter Set - Parameter

49952 Filter Set - Parameter

49951 Filter Set - Parameter

RT1064rdc - Download

RT785rdc - Download

RT633rdc - Download

RT488rdc - Download

RT532rdc - Download

RT266rdc - Download

49950 Filter Set - Download

49955 Filter Set - Download

49954 Filter Set - Download

49953 Filter Set - Download

49952 Filter Set - Download

49951 Filter Set - Download